
2024/10/30 16時〜2024/10/31 16時までに更新されたソフトウェア


CubeICE ver 3.4.0 → 3.5.0 レビュー 配布元 2024/10/30
(3.5.0 / 2024-10-30)
x64/64bit 用インストーラー (cubeice-3.5.0-x64.exe)
x86/32bit 用インストーラー (cubeice-3.5.0-x86.exe)
サポート対象となるものは、原則として Microsoft によるサポート期間中の Windows かつ各種ソフトウェアの最新バージョンのみとなります。
Windows x86 用インストーラーは、x86、x64、Arm64 版 Windows 全ての環境にインストール可能です。
CubeICE 3.5.0 をリリースしました (2024-10-30)
様々な圧縮形式にも対応しており、ZIP, 7-ZIP, LZH, RAR, TAR, GZIP, BZIP2, XZ, ZSTD を始めとした 20 種類以上の圧縮ファイルを解凍する事ができます。
3.5.0 (2024-10-30)
x64/64bit (cubeice-3.5.0-x64.exe)
KaruMeter ver 2.2.1 → 2.2.2 レビュー 配布元 2024/10/30
Windows 2000 / Xp / Vista / 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10 / 11 (32ビット/64ビット)
KaruMeter ver.2.2.2
ver.2.2.2 リリースノート
Copyright © 2004-2024 deepla. All Rights Reserved.
Velja ver 2.0.6 → 2.0.7 レビュー 配布元 2024/10/30
4.9 • 609 Ratings
Oct 29, 2024
Version 2.0.7
609 Ratings
609 Ratings
Requires macOS 14.5 or later.
Photo & Video
Genkhord ver 1.24.1022.0 → 1.24.1030.0 配布元 2024/10/30
Version 1.24.1030.0
2024-10-30 22:20+0900
206,027,724 bytes (AI モデルを含む | including AI models) for Windows 10/11(x64)SHA1(Genkhord_stem_Setup.exe): 83358c902caacfcbfbcbccfbe0770d944d116c29SHA1(genkhord.exe): 94302f95b0ca968f9f3bada5f198206f46d49942
➡Nplay24_Setup_0441028.0.zip 203,042,617 bytes (Genkhordと連携する高機能音楽プレイヤー/ビジュアライザー)Version 0.44.1028.0 2024-10-28 22:17+0900
➡Genkhord_Setup.exe 4,529,227 bytes (ファイルサイズが小さい軽量版。音源分離AIモデルを含まない)
➡Nplay12_stem_Setup.exe 203,983,473 bytes (Genkhordから派生した音楽再生ソフト)
Vivaldi ver 7.0.3495.6.x64 → 7.0.3495.10.x64 配布元 2024/10/31
Zed ver 0.159.4-pre → 0.159.5-pre オープンソース(GPL) レビュー 配布元 2024/10/31
v0.159.5-pre Pre-release

Bug fixes

  • Added ability to cancel language server work in remote development (#19946).
  • Fixed prettier not reporting failures in the status panel on formatting and installation errors (#19951).
BetterTouchTool ver 4.812 → 4.839 シェアウェア(10ドル) レビュー 配布元 2024/10/31
BetterTouchTool >= 4.839 (October, 26, 2024)
Compatibility with the new USB-C Magic Mouse and Magic Trackpad (they also work fine with older versions, just minimal adjustments where made)
Floating Menus: Option to disable dragging
Floating Menus: Items now can trigger actions when scrolling up/down/left/right on them.
Zed ver 0.159.5-pre → 0.160.0-pre オープンソース(GPL) レビュー 配布元 2024/10/31
v0.160.0-pre Pre-release


The action is happening on Zed Stable, where we are launching SSH Remoting (Beta). 💻🌐🎉

Check out the stable release for more details!


  • Added support to show invisible characters in the editor (#19846).
  • Added support for self-hosted GitLab instances when generating Git permalinks (#19909).
    • The instance URL must have gitlab somewhere in the host in order to be recognized.
  • Added feature to show commit summary as part of the inline Git blame (#19759; thanks pjtatlow).
  • Improved the parsing of Git remote URLs to support additional scenarios (#19924
Audacity ver 3.6.4 → 3.7.0 レビュー 配布元 2024/10/31
Audacity 3.7.0

Changes in version 3.7.0

The 3.7.x series is primarily maintenance releases while we're working on Audacity 4.0. 3.7.0 fixes the following bugs:

  • #6233, #7397, #6900 Improved Linux compatibility.
  • #6702 Improved contrast in the light theme.
  • #7008 MP3 exports: Renamed "Insane" to "Excessive".
  • #7570, #7452 Improved non-standard character handling for cloud saving.
  • #7486 Renamed "Split cut/delete" to "Cut/delete and leave gap".
  • #7293 Pasting clips no longer moves clips on other tracks if "editing clips can move other clips" is enabled.
  • #7312, #7382 Fixed database compacting not working properly sometimes.
  • #6851
Chrome ベータ版 ver 131.0.6778.13 → 131.0.6778.24 配布元 2024/10/31
"name": "chrome/platforms/win/channels/beta/versions/131.0.6778.24/releases/1730307461",
"serving": {
"startTime": "2024-10-30T16:57:41.211442Z"
"fraction": 1,
"version": "131.0.6778.24",
"fractionGroup": "13",
"pinnable": true
"startTime": "2024-10-23T16:16:28.186616Z",
"endTime": "2024-10-30T16:57:41.211442Z"
Babel ver 8.0.0-alpha.13 → 7.26.2 配布元 2024/10/31

v7.26.2 (2024-10-30)

🐛 Bug Fix

  • babel-parser
    • #16903 fix: Parse placeholder for TS namespace (@liuxingbaoyu)
    • #16937 fix: Account for offsets when creating new Position instances (@DylanPiercey)
  • babel-generator
    • #16948 Fix mapping of tokens with generated nodes in between (@nicolo-ribaudo)

Committers: 6

  • Babel Bot (@babel-bot)
  • Dylan Piercey (@DylanPiercey)
  • Huáng Jùnliàng (@JLHwung)
  • Nicolò Ribaudo (@nicolo-ribaudo)
  • @liuxingbaoyu
  • fisker Cheung (@fisker)
AlDente ver 1.28.5 → 1.28.6 オープンソース(その他) レビュー 配布元 2024/10/31
AlDente 1.28.6

AlDente 1.28.6 Spirelli


  • Fixed a bug that caused the popover window to not get focused correctly.
  • Fixed a bug that made changing the charge limit via text input impossible.


  • Updated the Paddle SDK to fix some users' issues: the Pro license would be deactivated at every start of AlDente. For users who have experienced this bug, it is possible that they will experience this issue once more after the update because the license file needs to be repaired. It will be resolved afterward.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the macOS percentage readout to not display the correct value in some cases.
  • The "Time to full" readout dynamically changes to "Time remaining" when the MacBook discharges.

With peace & love from Vienna,

Zen Browser ver 1.0.1-a.14 → 1.0.1-a.15 レビュー 配布元 2024/10/31

Alpha build - 1.0.1-a.15 (2024-10-30)

mauro-balades released this 31 Oct 00:09
· 2 commits to dev since this release
Update glance activation method for different platforms
Memtest86 ver 11.0 → 11.1 配布元 2024/10/31
Purchase MemTest86 Pro* (Version 11.1 Build 1000)
Download MemTest86 Free (Version 11.1 Build 1000)
IMPORTANT: MemTest86 V11.1 images support only UEFI boot. On machines that don't support UEFI, MemTest86 will not boot. Please download the older V4 BIOS release of MemTest86 instead.
MacPorts ver 2.10.2 → 2.10.3 配布元 2024/10/31
Release 2.10.3 (2024-10-31 by jmr)
- On Apple Silicon Macs, the port command will now ensure that it
is running natively by relaunching itself if it is started under
Rosetta 2 and build_arch is not set to x86_64 in macports.conf.
Migration is no longer required when MacPorts base is x86_64
only, provided that build_arch is set to x86_64 in macports.conf.
This will ensure that most users are running natively while still
allowing a fully emulated x86_64 installation if desired.
(jmr in eee437c, 425b158)
- Fixed error trying to create the history file in shell mode when
~/.macports doesn't exist yet. (#71143, jmr in e788103)
- Added mitigation for a rarely seen macOS bug affecting handling
of sparse files. (#67336, jmr in af49e24)
- Silenced error message from running 'pragma OPTIMIZE' on the
registry database without write access. (#71017, jmr in c219570)
- Fixed recreating the destroot from an installed port image that
is a directory, as needed by some targets like mpkg.
(#71011, jmr in c3c817e)
- Fixed force activation of conflicting ports. (jmr in 1f52c5a)
GQL ver 0.28.0 → 0.29.1 オープンソース(MIT) レビュー 配布元 2024/10/31
  • Implement Dynamic type system.
  • Implement new Dynamic values system.
  • Improve the output printer implementation.
  • Change the analysis format to be similar to popular engines.
  • Implement benchmark function.
  • Implement Bitwise XOR operator for integers.
  • Implement Contained By expression using <@ operator.
  • Speedup order by statement by using pre eval map.
  • Support multi lines and unicode in LIKE and REGEX expressions.
  • Improve error message for invalid column name.
  • Improve safety check for std or aggregation signature.
  • Migrate to Gix 0.67.0.
  • Integrate with LineEditor.
TortoiseGit ver → 配布元 2024/10/31
= Release 2.17.0 =
Released: 2024-10-30
This is the last version that will work on Windows 7 and 8 (and possibly 8.1).
== Features ==
* Updated pcre2 to 10.44
* Update editorconfig to 0.12.9
* Update Scintilla to 5.5.3 and Lexilla to 5.4.1
Touchpad horizontal scroll direction has been adjusted to match other Win32 applications
* Updated libgit to version 2.46.2 based on Git for Windows sources
* Updated libgit2 to 1.8.2pre
* Fixed issue #4143: BrowseRefsDlg: Order the branches by commit date instead of date (add committer name/date columns)
* Fixed issue #4147: Allow sorting Log view by `--author-date-order`
* Fixed issue #4137: "Detach" option ignored when making a new worktree
* Fixed issue #3904: TortioiseGitMerge doesn't remember View/Bars settings
== Bug Fixes ==
* Fixed issue #4132: Error "Could not get next commit. libgit returns: -4" in Log Messages dialog on commit with author date 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
* Fixed issue #4126: Capitalize the first letter in the Push dialog
* Fixed issue #4133: libgit2 returned: failed to parse revision specifier (ref ending with an `@` character)
* Fixed issue #4141: Cannot remove remote: "usage: git remote remove "