Mac用の人気のアウトラインプロセッサ「Scrivener」がメジャーバージョンアップし、最新版の「Scrivener 3」が公開されました(9to5Mac)。macOS 10.12以降に対応し、新規ライセンスの価格は45ドル。既存ユーザーは25ドルでアップグレード可能です。
Scrivener 3はメジャーバージョンアップ版として、多数の新機能が追加されているだけではなく、既存の機能にも磨きがかけられています。具体的にはUIが刷新されモダンな外観に変更されたほか(メニュー項目が日本語化されています)、Touch Barのサポートも進化。さらに64-bitのコードベースに買い換えられた事による安定化や高速化が行われています。
- The interface has been overhauled and modernised.
- Compile has been redesigned and is now not only much easier to use but also more flexible.
- The text system now has a full styles system (which is even more powerful when used with the new Compile).
- View index cards on coloured threads based on label colour (great for tracking different storylines or anything else).
- Epub 3 and improved Kindle export have been added.
- Keep track of how much you write each day using Writing Statistics.
- Improved Custom Metadata allows you to add checkboxes, dates and list boxes to the Inspector and outliner.
- Enhanced outlining.
- Corkboard and outliner filtering.
- Refer to up to four documents in the main window using the new “Copyholders” features.
- Quickly find any document in your project using the new Quick Search tool.
- See draft and session progress bars in the toolbar.
- The powerful new Bookmarks feature replaces Project Notes, References and Favorites, and allows you to view oft-needed documents right in the Inspector.
- Use “Dialogue Focus” to pick out all the dialogue in your text.
- Export rich text to MultiMarkdown or Pandoc.
- Broadened support for technical formats via Markdown output and custom post-processing.
- macOS:
- Extensive Touch Bar support added.
- Modernised and rewritten codebase for 64-bit. Scrivener is faster, more stable and ready for the future.
なおWindows版のScrivenerは現在version 1ですが、これ以降Windows版のversion 1のライセンスを購入したユーザーは、無償でversion 3にアップグレードできるとのこと(既存ユーザーはMac版と同じ25ドルのアップグレード料金)。