

タイトル MarsEdit
バージョン ver 5.2.3
更新日 2024/07/15
追加日 2013/08/17
種別 シェアウェア(29.95ドル)
説明 Mac用のBlogライティングツール。






MarsEdit 5.2.3
July 14, 2024
Mac App Store only: fix a bug that prevented Apple Photos from appearing in the Media Manager.
MarsEdit 5.2.2
July 2, 2024
Fix a bug that prevented the previously selected blog from being re-selected after launch
Fix the typography of apostrophes and quotation marks in several areas of the app
Prevent a system warning about the app "modifying other apps" when it tries to update itself
Improve performance when loading drafts from disk
MarsEdit 5.2.1
May 31, 2024
Fix a bug in MarsEdit 5.2 that caused some preview content to be rendered inaccurately
Fix a bug where the status bar in Duplicate posts wrongly claimed they were "Editing Published Post"
MarsEdit 5.2
May 29, 2024
Search now supports searching all blogs or just the selected blog
New per-blog default settings for Micropost categories, tags, and post format
Added “Duplicate Post” menu item to create a new post with the same content as an existing post
Web preview enhancements
Smarter preview updating for higher performance and less reloading of embedded content like movies
Now runs embedded <script> nodes in blog post content to support various dynamically updated elements
Can now use “Find” to search post content displayed in the main window or preview window
Revised design of the Options side panel, renaming “Server Options” to “Publication”
Added published date to the Options side panel
Alt Text field in Upload Utility and Media Manager now grows vertically to accommodate longer descriptions
Double-clicking a date in the calendar date picker now selects and dismisses the panel
Bug Fixes
Fix a bug that caused blogs to download more posts than specified in settings
Forbidden characters are now stripped from XML data when parsing a server response fails
Fix a bug introduced in 5.1.4 that caused “offset” parameters to be encoded as boolean in XMLRPC
Fix a cosmetic issue in the Software Updater when switching from light to dark mode
Fix a bug where dragging an image to the end of a line in the plain text editor would drop it on the following line
MarsEdit 5.1.4
Apr 2, 2024
Restore functionality of Safari App Extension toolbar button
Restore pretty-printing of XMLRPC Network Log events
Large binary upload data such as images are now abbreviated in the Network Log
Several fixes to the appearance and behavior of the "+" and gear buttons in the main window
Hyphens, dashes and underscores are now considered as word separators when inferring alt text from filenames
MarsEdit 5.1.3
Mar 29, 2024
Avoid a flicker that could occur when switching between blogs in the main window with dark mode enabled
Fix a bug that caused the MarsEdit icon to bounce in the dock when setting ALT text in Micropost panel
Fix the background color when scrolling the plain text editor beyond the top or bottom of the post
No longer display an error when refreshing a WordPress blog and only one post type is not permitted to download
Rich text editor now cleans up invalid characters that are pasted into it
Fix a crash that could occur when a blog post has a <title> tag within it
MarsEdit 4.0.1
MarsEdit 4.0
MarsEdit 3.7.11
MarsEdit 3.7.10
MarsEdit 3.7.9
MarsEdit 5.1.2
Jan 12, 2024
Restore inference of alt text from image file name if it looks like prose
Improve inference of post title from content when no explicit title
Improve reliability of plain-text editor syntax highlighting
Improve first-time authentication behavior with TextPattern blogs
Fix a crash while refreshing that affected some WordPress blogs
Fix a crash that could occur when using AppleScript to create a new draft based on an existing post
Fix a bug where pasting a link on a freshly-uploaded image could cause it to revert to pending upload state
Fix a bug that prevented default Title field visibility from being respected after editing a post
Copyright © 2024 Red Sweater Software, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
MarsEdit 5.1.1
Dec 8, 2023
Restore functionality of the MarsEdit Micropost app extension
Cmd-Shift-D shortcut now works to send a post from the Micropost panel
Fix syntax highlighting of entity references within HTML blocks
Fix a bug in which published posts sometimems remained in Local Drafts folder
Fix a bug that prevented Mastodon blogs with MP3 media items from refreshing
Fix a crash when refreshing a WordPress blog with a malformed featured image post
Improve performance when initializing a data source with lots of posts with featured images
Restore dynamic hiding/showing of advanced menu items while holding/releasing option key
Disable formatting keyboard shortcuts in Mastodon Micropost panel, since it doesn't support markup
Nov 28, 2023
Apr 5, 2023
Feb 24, 2023
Jan 26, 2023
Jan 6, 2023
Dec 13, 2023
MarsEdit 5.0
Dec 7, 2022
MarsEdit 5.1
New: Mastodon Support! Download, edit and publish to any Mastodon service
Microposting panel enhancements
Resizable and movable
Supports attaching photos
Shows character count
Now shows the blog's own icon as a popup menu for selecting target blog
Fixed a crash when sharing Wordle results specific improvements
Updated character limits to match current standards
Fix a bug that prevented posts with blockquotes from reliably showing the title field
Tumblr-specific improvements
Can now add multiple photos in Photo posts
Refreshing a blog no longer re-downloads all previously downloaded photos
Other Improvements
Performance improvements when sorting a large number of blog posts with content-derived titles
Improve design, typography, and wording of New Blog interface
HEIC images are now auto-converted to JPEG instead of PNG
HTML Entities are now ignored by syntax-highlighting and live spell checking
MarsEdit 5.0.5
Changed the default link color and HTML string color to a different shade of blue
Fixed tab key order when tabbing out of the Find panel
Restore ability to get and set the post kind via AppleScript
Increased the rich editor text font size slightly
Fix a bug that could cause a file inserted into a new post to disappear after editing other fields
The link color now adapts as expected in the rich editor when switching between light and dark modes
Fixed a bug that prevented the Preview content from loading upon first opening the Preview Template editor
MarsEdit 5.0.4
Restore the ability to print from the Preview Window
Fix a crash that could occur while importing MarsEdit 3 data
Fix a bug where clicking the circle icon on the date picker calendar didn't properly set the date to "now"
Saving the Network Log to file now defaults to a .txt extension and reveals after saving
Restore functionality of Copy/Paste in the New Blog panel
Prevent the "Autosave Popover" from appearing on MarsEdit document windows