

タイトル rclone
URL https://rclone.org/
バージョン ver 1.67.0
更新日 2024/06/15
追加日 2016/09/03
種別 フリーソフト
説明 クラウドストレージ版のrsync。







rclone gitannex
v1.67.0 - 2024-06-14
See commits
New backends
uloz.to (iotmaestro)
New S3 providers
Magalu Object Storage (Bruno Fernandes)
New commands
gitannex: Enables git-annex to store and retrieve content from an rclone remote (Dan McArdle)
New Features
accounting: Add deleted files total size to status summary line (Kyle Reynolds)
Fix CVE-2023-45288 by upgrading golang.org/x/net (Nick Craig-Wood)
Fix CVE-2024-35255 by upgrading github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azidentity to 1.6.0 (dependabot)
Convert source files with CRLF to LF (albertony)
Update all dependencies (Nick Craig-Wood)
ncdu: Do not quit on Esc to aid usability (Katia Esposito)
rcserver: Set ModTime for dirs and files served by --rc-serve (Nikita Shoshin)
v1.66.0 - 2024-03-10
See commits
Major features
Rclone will now sync directory modification times if the backend supports it.
This can be disabled with --no-update-dir-modtime
See the overview and look for the D flags in the ModTime column to see which backends support it.
Rclone will now sync directory metadata if the backend supports it when -M/--metadata is in use.
See the overview and look for the D flags in the Metadata column to see which backends support it.
Bisync has received many updates see below for more details or bisync's changelog
Removed backends
amazonclouddrive: Remove Amazon Drive backend code and docs (Nick Craig-Wood)
New Features
Add description field for all backends (Paul Stern)
Update to go1.22 and make go1.20 the minimum required version (Nick Craig-Wood)
Fix CVE-2024-24786 by upgrading google.golang.org/protobuf (Nick Craig-Wood)
check: Respect --no-unicode-normalization and --ignore-case-sync for --checkfile (nielash)
cmd: Much improved shell auto completion which reduces the size of the completion file and works faster (Nick Craig-Wood)
v1.65.2 - 2024-01-24
See commits
Bug Fixes
build: bump github.com/cloudflare/circl from 1.3.6 to 1.3.7 (dependabot)
docs updates (Nick Craig-Wood, kapitainsky, nielash, Tera, Harshit Budhraja)
Fix stale data when using --vfs-cache-mode full (Nick Craig-Wood)
Azure Blob
IMPORTANT Fix data corruption bug - see #7590 (Nick Craig-Wood)
v1.65.2 - 2024-01-24
last updated 2024-01-24
Served by Caddy.
Hosted at Hetzner Cloud.
rclone nfsmount
v1.65.1 - 2024-01-08
See commits
Bug Fixes
Bump golang.org/x/crypto to fix ssh terrapin CVE-2023-48795 (dependabot)
Update to go1.21.5 to fix Windows path problems (Nick Craig-Wood)
Fix docker build on arm/v6 (Nick Craig-Wood)
install.sh: fix harmless error message on install (Nick Craig-Wood)
accounting: fix stats to show server side transfers (Nick Craig-Wood)
doc fixes (albertony, ben-ba, Eli Orzitzer, emyarod, keongalvin, rarspace01)
nfsmount: Compile for all unix oses, add --sudo and fix error/option handling (Nick Craig-Wood)
operations: Fix files moved by rclone move not being counted as transfers (Nick Craig-Wood)
oauthutil: Avoid panic when *token and *ts.token are the same (rkonfj)
serve s3: Fix listing oddities (Nick Craig-Wood)
Note that --vfs-refresh runs in the background (Nick Craig-Wood)
Fix storage base url (Oksana)
Microsoft Azure Files Storage
v1.65.0 - 2023-11-26
See commits
New backends
Azure Files (karan, moongdal, Nick Craig-Wood)
ImageKit (Abhinav Dhiman)
Linkbox (viktor, Nick Craig-Wood)
New commands
serve s3: Let rclone act as an S3 compatible server (Mikubill, Artur Neumann, Saw-jan, Nick Craig-Wood)
nfsmount: mount command to provide mount mechanism on macOS without FUSE (Saleh Dindar)
serve nfs: to serve a remote for use by nfsmount (Saleh Dindar)
New Features
install.sh: Clean up temp files in install script (Jacob Hands)
Update all dependencies (Nick Craig-Wood)
Refactor version info and icon resource handling on windows (albertony)
doc updates (albertony, alfish2000, asdffdsazqqq, Dimitri Papadopoulos, Herby Gillot, Joda Stößer, Manoj Ghosh, Nick Craig-Wood)
Implement --metadata-mapper to transform metatadata with a user supplied program (Nick Craig-Wood)
v1.64.2 - 2023-10-19
See commits
Bug Fixes
selfupdate: Fix "invalid hashsum signature" error (Nick Craig-Wood)
build: Fix docker build running out of space (Nick Craig-Wood)
v1.64.2 - 2023-10-19
last updated 2023-10-19
v1.64.1 - 2023-10-17
See commits
Bug Fixes
cmd: Make --progress output logs in the same format as without (Nick Craig-Wood)
docs fixes (Dimitri Papadopoulos Orfanos, Herby Gillot, Manoj Ghosh, Nick Craig-Wood)
lsjson: Make sure we set the global metadata flag too (Nick Craig-Wood)
Ensure concurrency is no greater than the number of chunks (Pat Patterson)
Fix OpenOptions ignored in copy if operation was a multiThreadCopy (Vitor Gomes)
Fix error message on delete to have file name (Nick Craig-Wood)
serve sftp: Return not supported error for not supported commands (Nick Craig-Wood)
build: Upgrade golang.org/x/net to v0.17.0 to fix HTTP/2 rapid reset (Nick Craig-Wood)
pacer: Fix b2 deadlock by defaulting max connections to unlimited (Nick Craig-Wood)
Fix automount not detecting drive is ready (Nick Craig-Wood)
Fix update dir modification time (Saleh Dindar)
Azure Blob
Fix "fatal error: concurrent map writes" (Nick Craig-Wood)
Proton Drive
v1.64.0 - 2023-09-11
See commits
New backends
Proton Drive (Chun-Hung Tseng)
Quatrix (Oksana, Volodymyr Kit)
New S3 providers
Synology C2 (BakaWang)
Leviia (Benjamin)
New Jottacloud providers
Onlime (Fjodor42)
Telia Sky (NoLooseEnds)
Major changes
Multi-thread transfers (Vitor Gomes, Nick Craig-Wood, Manoj Ghosh, Edwin Mackenzie-Owen)
Multi-thread transfers are now available when transferring to:
local, s3, azureblob, b2, oracleobjectstorage and smb
This greatly improves transfer speed between two network sources.
In memory buffering has been unified between all backends and should share memory better.
v1.63.1 - 2023-07-17
See commits
Bug Fixes
build: Fix macos builds for versions < 12 (Anagh Kumar Baranwal)
dirtree: Fix performance with large directories of directories and --fast-list (Nick Craig-Wood)
Fix deadlock when using lsd/ls with --progress (Nick Craig-Wood)
Fix .rclonelink files not being converted back to symlinks (Nick Craig-Wood)
doc fixes (Dean Attali, Mahad, Nick Craig-Wood, Sawada Tsunayoshi, Vladislav Vorobev)
Fix partial directory read for corrupted filesystem (Nick Craig-Wood)
Fix reconnect failing with HTTP 400 Bad Request (albertony)
Fix "Statfs failed: bucket or container name is needed" when mounting (Nick Craig-Wood)
Nextcloud: fix must use /dav/files/USER endpoint not /webdav error (Paul)
Nextcloud chunking: add more guidance for the user to check the config (darix)
v1.63.1 - 2023-07-17
last updated 2023-07-17
For Business
v1.63.0 - 2023-06-30
See commits
New backends
Pikpak (wiserain)
New S3 providers
petabox.io (Andrei Smirnov)
Google Cloud Storage (Anthony Pessy)
New WebDAV providers
Fastmail (Arnavion)
Major changes
Files will be copied to a temporary name ending in .partial when copying to local,ftp,sftp then renamed at the end of the transfer. (Janne Hellsten, Nick Craig-Wood)
This helps with data integrity as we don't delete the existing file until the new one is complete.
It can be disabled with the --inplace flag.
This behaviour will also happen if the backend is wrapped, for example sftp wrapped with crypt.
The s3, azureblob and gcs backends now support directory markers so empty directories are supported (Jānis Bebrītis, Nick Craig-Wood)
The --default-time flag now controls the unknown modification time of files/dirs (Nick Craig-Wood)
v1.62.2 - 2023-03-16
See commits
Bug Fixes
docker volume plugin: Add missing fuse3 dependency (Nick Craig-Wood)
docs: Fix size documentation (asdffdsazqqq)
Fix 426 errors on downloads with vsftpd (Lesmiscore)
v1.62.2 - 2023-03-16
last updated 2023-03-16