Don't Sleep
タイトル | Don't Sleep |
URL | |
バージョン | ver 9.69 |
更新日 | 2025/01/09 |
追加日 | 2019/02/10 |
種別 | フリーソフト |
説明 | 意図せぬスリープやシャットダウンを防ぐことができるWindowsユーティリティ。 |
Download Don't Sleep 9.69 for Microsoft Windows OS on
Last 8 user downloads on SoftwareOKGetWindowTextQuickTextPasteDesktopOKStressMyPC Brightness.Manager.OKQ-DirWinScan2PDFAlwaysMouseWheel
+ Freeware + KeepMouseSpeedOK
+ NonCompressibleFiles
+ 4ur-Windows-8-Mouse-Balls
+ 12-Ants
+ Q-Dir
+ DirPrintOK
+ FontViewOK
+ MeinPlatz
+ DesktopOK
© 2025 by Nenad Hrg ERR2:
► What is a deletion confirmation? ◄
► How can I set up printer, or the page at the directory printout? ◄
► Reinstall Windows XP and format hard drive, how to? ◄
► MS-Excel can calculate Euro or US Dollar sum, but how? ◄
Last 8 user downloads on SoftwareOKGetWindowTextQuickTextPasteDesktopOKStressMyPC Brightness.Manager.OKQ-DirWinScan2PDFAlwaysMouseWheel
+ Freeware + KeepMouseSpeedOK
+ NonCompressibleFiles
+ 4ur-Windows-8-Mouse-Balls
+ 12-Ants
+ Q-Dir
+ DirPrintOK
+ FontViewOK
+ MeinPlatz
+ DesktopOK
© 2025 by Nenad Hrg ERR2:
► What is a deletion confirmation? ◄
► How can I set up printer, or the page at the directory printout? ◄
► Reinstall Windows XP and format hard drive, how to? ◄
► MS-Excel can calculate Euro or US Dollar sum, but how? ◄
Download Don't Sleep 9.63.1 for Microsoft Windows OS on
Last 8 user downloads on SoftwareOKFind.Same.Images.OKNewFileTimeQuickMemoryTestOKDirPrintOK WinBin2IsoQ-DirNonCompressibleFilesAutoHideDesktopIcons
+ Freeware + CoronaKO
+ MatriX.CoronaKO
+ Find.Same.Images.OK
+ 3D.Benchmark.OK
+ PhotoResizerOK
+ Office.Files.Images
+ Film.Strip.Explorer
+ WinScan2PDF
+ DontSleep
► Remote Desktop Connection, save in a RDP file on Windows OS? ◄
► How can I see the Windows command line history in the cmd.exe? ◄
► How to capitalize text in Microsoft Excel? ◄
► Difference between dialog windows and normal Windows windows? ◄
Last 8 user downloads on SoftwareOKFind.Same.Images.OKNewFileTimeQuickMemoryTestOKDirPrintOK WinBin2IsoQ-DirNonCompressibleFilesAutoHideDesktopIcons
+ Freeware + CoronaKO
+ MatriX.CoronaKO
+ Find.Same.Images.OK
+ 3D.Benchmark.OK
+ PhotoResizerOK
+ Office.Files.Images
+ Film.Strip.Explorer
+ WinScan2PDF
+ DontSleep
► Remote Desktop Connection, save in a RDP file on Windows OS? ◄
► How can I see the Windows command line history in the cmd.exe? ◄
► How to capitalize text in Microsoft Excel? ◄
► Difference between dialog windows and normal Windows windows? ◄
Download Don't Sleep 9.63 for Microsoft Windows OS on
Last 8 user downloads on SoftwareOKQ-DirExperienceIndexOKWinBin2IsoQuickMemoryTestOK WinScan2PDFNewFileTimeDesktopDigitalClockThisIsMyFile
+ Freeware + OK.Its.Raining.Men
+ NonCompressibleFiles
+ 4ur-Windows-8-Mouse-Balls
► What I miss is being able to disconnect or connect the network drive? ◄
► How can i filter the Files in Explorer Views in Quad-Dir? ◄
► Differences between the right and left Ctrl key? ◄
► Is it possible to change the title of the Quad-Explorer window? ◄
Last 8 user downloads on SoftwareOKQ-DirExperienceIndexOKWinBin2IsoQuickMemoryTestOK WinScan2PDFNewFileTimeDesktopDigitalClockThisIsMyFile
+ Freeware + OK.Its.Raining.Men
+ NonCompressibleFiles
+ 4ur-Windows-8-Mouse-Balls
► What I miss is being able to disconnect or connect the network drive? ◄
► How can i filter the Files in Explorer Views in Quad-Dir? ◄
► Differences between the right and left Ctrl key? ◄
► Is it possible to change the title of the Quad-Explorer window? ◄
Download Don't Sleep 9.61 for Microsoft Windows OS on
Last 8 user downloads on SoftwareOKNewFileTimeRun-CommandQuickTextPasteDesktopSnowOK TheAeroClockDesktopDigitalClockQ-DirProcessKO
+ Freeware + AutoHideMouseCursor
+ Desktop.Calendar.Tray.OK
+ OK.Its.Raining.Men
+ Run-Command
+ MagicMouseTrails
+ CpuFrequenz
+ MultiClipBoardSlots
+ OnlyStopWatch
+ KeepMouseSpeedOK
► Printer connection with standard parallel port is missing on the PC, what can I do? ◄
► Save the Scans as JPEG files in WinScan2PDF, how to? ◄
► Can I compress any 1GB of data to 10MB with KGB Archiver 2? ◄
► No WLAN on the laptop or notebook, internet no longer works! ◄
Last 8 user downloads on SoftwareOKNewFileTimeRun-CommandQuickTextPasteDesktopSnowOK TheAeroClockDesktopDigitalClockQ-DirProcessKO
+ Freeware + AutoHideMouseCursor
+ Desktop.Calendar.Tray.OK
+ OK.Its.Raining.Men
+ Run-Command
+ MagicMouseTrails
+ CpuFrequenz
+ MultiClipBoardSlots
+ OnlyStopWatch
+ KeepMouseSpeedOK
► Printer connection with standard parallel port is missing on the PC, what can I do? ◄
► Save the Scans as JPEG files in WinScan2PDF, how to? ◄
► Can I compress any 1GB of data to 10MB with KGB Archiver 2? ◄
► No WLAN on the laptop or notebook, internet no longer works! ◄
Download Don't Sleep 9.59.1 for Microsoft Windows OS on 266 K 266 K
Last 8 user downloads on SoftwareOKDesktopDigitalClockDelete.On.RebootFind.Same.Images.OKNewFileTime DesktopOKRun-CommandQuickMemoryTestOKIsMyLcdOK
+ Freeware + Q-Dir
+ DirPrintOK
+ FontViewOK
+ MeinPlatz
+ DesktopOK
+ IsMyMemoryOK
+ Brightness.Manager.OK
+ ProcessKO
+ WinBin2Iso
► How can I backup the individual entries or export from Quick-Text-Paste? ◄
► Where and when can you download Windows-11? ◄
► The hard drive test APP on my MS Windows OS is in the wrong language? ◄
► Can I also save the desktop icons on Windows 11! ◄ 266 K 266 K
Last 8 user downloads on SoftwareOKDesktopDigitalClockDelete.On.RebootFind.Same.Images.OKNewFileTime DesktopOKRun-CommandQuickMemoryTestOKIsMyLcdOK
+ Freeware + Q-Dir
+ DirPrintOK
+ FontViewOK
+ MeinPlatz
+ DesktopOK
+ IsMyMemoryOK
+ Brightness.Manager.OK
+ ProcessKO
+ WinBin2Iso
► How can I backup the individual entries or export from Quick-Text-Paste? ◄
► Where and when can you download Windows-11? ◄
► The hard drive test APP on my MS Windows OS is in the wrong language? ◄
► Can I also save the desktop icons on Windows 11! ◄
Download Don't Sleep 9.59 for Microsoft Windows OS on 267 K 267 K for 64-Bit (x64) Windows 310 K for 64-Bit (x64) Windows 310 K
Last 8 user downloads on SoftwareOKQuickMemoryTestOKWinPingQ-DirAutoPowerOptionsOK IsMyLcdOKNewFileTimeOneLoupeWinBin2Iso
+ Freeware + Delete.On.Reboot
+ IsMyTouchScreenOK
+ Print.Test.Page.OK
+ OpenCloseDriveEject
+ ColorConsole
+ IsMyLcdOK
+ DesktopDigitalClock
+ ClassicDesktopClock
+ PreventTurnOff
Settings | Windows 10 |
► Send to desktop is missing in Windows 11, 10, ... or MS Server OS? ◄
► LCD monitors, laptop screens and fixed screen resolution is wrong? ◄
► Sound Volume Settings for Apps and Programs in Windows 12, 11, 10, ...! ◄
► How can I query whether my x86 application is currently running on x64? ◄ 267 K 267 K for 64-Bit (x64) Windows 310 K for 64-Bit (x64) Windows 310 K
Last 8 user downloads on SoftwareOKQuickMemoryTestOKWinPingQ-DirAutoPowerOptionsOK IsMyLcdOKNewFileTimeOneLoupeWinBin2Iso
+ Freeware + Delete.On.Reboot
+ IsMyTouchScreenOK
+ Print.Test.Page.OK
+ OpenCloseDriveEject
+ ColorConsole
+ IsMyLcdOK
+ DesktopDigitalClock
+ ClassicDesktopClock
+ PreventTurnOff
Settings | Windows 10 |
► Send to desktop is missing in Windows 11, 10, ... or MS Server OS? ◄
► LCD monitors, laptop screens and fixed screen resolution is wrong? ◄
► Sound Volume Settings for Apps and Programs in Windows 12, 11, 10, ...! ◄
► How can I query whether my x86 application is currently running on x64? ◄
Download Don't Sleep 9.56.1 for Microsoft Windows OS on
Last 8 user downloads on SoftwareOKOneLoupeQuickMemoryTestOKWinBin2IsoDesktopOK PhotoResizerOKDesktopDigitalClockClassicDesktopClockQ-Dir
+ Freeware + IsMyHdOK
+ Run-Command
► Is Malwarebytes good as an adware and malware cleaner? ◄
► How to create a desktop background image collection for Windows 8.1? ◄
► Enable Remote Desktop on Windows-10 Home, how to? ◄
► Anonymous or private browsing on Windows! ◄
► Cancel all printing orders in Windows 11 or 10 via print service? ◄
► Why should I use this screen magnifier on Windows? ◄
► Can I use the screen testing tools on MS Windows 11 OS? ◄
► Can I play all Xbox games on the Windows-10? ◄
► Install Munbyn thermal printer Bluetooth on Windows 11, 10, 8.1, ....! ◄
► At many Office documents, list the images and extract then? ◄
Last 8 user downloads on SoftwareOKOneLoupeQuickMemoryTestOKWinBin2IsoDesktopOK PhotoResizerOKDesktopDigitalClockClassicDesktopClockQ-Dir
+ Freeware + IsMyHdOK
+ Run-Command
► Is Malwarebytes good as an adware and malware cleaner? ◄
► How to create a desktop background image collection for Windows 8.1? ◄
► Enable Remote Desktop on Windows-10 Home, how to? ◄
► Anonymous or private browsing on Windows! ◄
► Cancel all printing orders in Windows 11 or 10 via print service? ◄
► Why should I use this screen magnifier on Windows? ◄
► Can I use the screen testing tools on MS Windows 11 OS? ◄
► Can I play all Xbox games on the Windows-10? ◄
► Install Munbyn thermal printer Bluetooth on Windows 11, 10, 8.1, ....! ◄
► At many Office documents, list the images and extract then? ◄
Download Don't Sleep 9.55.1 for Microsoft Windows OS on 264 K 264 K for 64-Bit (x64) Windows 307 K for 64-Bit (x64) Windows 307 K
Last 8 user downloads on SoftwareOKWinScan2PDFQ-DirFontViewOKFind.Same.Images.OK WinBin2IsoAutoPowerOptionsOKBrightness.Manager.OKRun-Command
+ Freeware + QuickMemoryTestOK
+ IsMyHdOK
+ AutoPowerOptionsOK
+ OneLoupe
+ TraceRouteOK
+ GetWindowText
+ AutoHideMouseCursor
+ Desktop.Calendar.Tray.OK
+ OK.Its.Raining.Men
Windows 2024 | Windows 10 |
► For what, I am an expert and I know what I am doing? ◄
► Under Windows 10 / 11, enable and disable the device search, but how to? ◄
► Change Windows 10 and 11 Sleep Settings, how to? ◄
(省略されました) 264 K 264 K for 64-Bit (x64) Windows 307 K for 64-Bit (x64) Windows 307 K
Last 8 user downloads on SoftwareOKWinScan2PDFQ-DirFontViewOKFind.Same.Images.OK WinBin2IsoAutoPowerOptionsOKBrightness.Manager.OKRun-Command
+ Freeware + QuickMemoryTestOK
+ IsMyHdOK
+ AutoPowerOptionsOK
+ OneLoupe
+ TraceRouteOK
+ GetWindowText
+ AutoHideMouseCursor
+ Desktop.Calendar.Tray.OK
+ OK.Its.Raining.Men
Windows 2024 | Windows 10 |
► For what, I am an expert and I know what I am doing? ◄
► Under Windows 10 / 11, enable and disable the device search, but how to? ◄
► Change Windows 10 and 11 Sleep Settings, how to? ◄
Download Don't Sleep 9.51 for Microsoft Windows OS on 190 K 190 K for 64-Bit (x64) Windows 232 K for 64-Bit (x64) Windows 232 K
Last 8 user downloads on SoftwareOKDesktopOKIsMyLcdOKQ-DirAlwaysMouseWheel GetWindowTextWinBin2IsoDesktopDigitalClockWinScan2PDF
+ Freeware + Order on the PC + File management + Automation + Office Tools + PC testing tools + Decoration and fun + Desktop-Clocks + Security + SoftwareOK Pages + Micro Staff
► Understand the shutdown command under MS Windows! ◄
► How do I create symbols/icons for Microsoft Windows? ◄
► Prevent Windows 10/11 programs from automatically starting? ◄ 190 K 190 K for 64-Bit (x64) Windows 232 K for 64-Bit (x64) Windows 232 K
Last 8 user downloads on SoftwareOKDesktopOKIsMyLcdOKQ-DirAlwaysMouseWheel GetWindowTextWinBin2IsoDesktopDigitalClockWinScan2PDF
+ Freeware + Order on the PC + File management + Automation + Office Tools + PC testing tools + Decoration and fun + Desktop-Clocks + Security + SoftwareOK Pages + Micro Staff
► Understand the shutdown command under MS Windows! ◄
► How do I create symbols/icons for Microsoft Windows? ◄
► Prevent Windows 10/11 programs from automatically starting? ◄
Download Don't Sleep 9.47 for Microsoft Windows OS on
Last 8 user downloads on SoftwareOKDesktopOKQuickMemoryTestOKPointerStickQ-Dir AutoHideMouseCursorWinScan2PDFDesktopDigitalClockOnlyStopWatch
© 2024 by Nenad Hrg ERR2:
► Fonts printing with print and preview function! ◄
► Disable automatic drive defragmentation in Windows 11, 10, ...! ◄
► Easy detect the Color Value RGB, HLS, .... like a Professional! ◄
Last 8 user downloads on SoftwareOKDesktopOKQuickMemoryTestOKPointerStickQ-Dir AutoHideMouseCursorWinScan2PDFDesktopDigitalClockOnlyStopWatch
© 2024 by Nenad Hrg ERR2:
► Fonts printing with print and preview function! ◄
► Disable automatic drive defragmentation in Windows 11, 10, ...! ◄
► Easy detect the Color Value RGB, HLS, .... like a Professional! ◄
Download Don't Sleep 9.45 for Microsoft Windows OS on
DontSleep is suitable for Microsoft: Windows 11,
Windows 10 Pro, Windows 10 Enterprise, Windows 10 Home, Windows 10 all OS,
Last 8 user downloads on SoftwareOKQuickMemoryTestOKExperienceIndexOKWinBin2IsoDesktopOK Find.Same.Images.OKWinScan2PDFQ-DirAutoHideMouseCursor
► Rotated Random Snow Flakes on the Desktop! ◄
► Check Windows 11 Bluetooth connection and adapter! ◄
► Run directly minimized to tray without to see the main window? ◄
DontSleep is suitable for Microsoft: Windows 11,
Windows 10 Pro, Windows 10 Enterprise, Windows 10 Home, Windows 10 all OS,
Last 8 user downloads on SoftwareOKQuickMemoryTestOKExperienceIndexOKWinBin2IsoDesktopOK Find.Same.Images.OKWinScan2PDFQ-DirAutoHideMouseCursor
► Rotated Random Snow Flakes on the Desktop! ◄
► Check Windows 11 Bluetooth connection and adapter! ◄
► Run directly minimized to tray without to see the main window? ◄