
2024/06/25 16時〜2024/06/26 16時までに更新されたソフトウェア

Keka、Genkhord、Genkhord、OpenShot、Docker、Mozilla Firefox、Jenkins、Keka等が更新されました。

Keka ver 1.4.0 → 1.4.1 2024/06/25
Changes in version 1.4.12024-06-25GitHub
Fixed Finder Extension crashing it encrypt options are enabled (Thanks to @hamsterfactor) #1473
Self-extracting archive creation modules are now compressed and only used if needed (Thanks to @paul-cossey) #1470
Ensuring 7Z format compatibility with 19.00 version by default (Thanks to Igor Pavlov)
No longer use 7ZZ 22.01 for ZIP volumes compression #1328
Updated 7ZZ from 23.01 to 24.07 (Thanks to Igor Pavlov)
Updated UNRAR from 7.00 to 7.01 (Thanks to rarlab)
Japanese translation updated (Thanks to @tedSw) #1471
Genkhord ver 1.11.625.0 → 1.11.625.3 2024/06/25
Version 1.11.625.3
2024-06-25 16:33+0900
206,014,564 bytes (AI モデルを含む | including AI models) for Windows 10/11(x64)SHA1(Genkhord_stem_Setup.exe): 83d18d20cc7ac39651c09e08754ba5fe28c8cd5eSHA1(genkhord.exe): a7101a4471463a1a863edcc9debd2e5506b2ce76
➡Genkhord_Setup.exe 4,515,700 bytes (ファイルサイズが小さい軽量版。音源分離AIモデルを含まない)
➡Nplay12_stem_Setup.exe 203,969,157 bytes (Genkhordから派生した音楽再生ソフト)
1.11.625.0 2024-06-25 SP:MTRK:GUI調整
1.11.625.1 2024-06-25 SP:MTRK:タイ機能追加
E ノートをミュート
中クリック ノートをミュート
Genkhord ver 1.11.625.3 → 1.11.625.5 2024/06/25
Version 1.11.625.5
2024-06-25 18:53+0900
206,014,442 bytes (AI モデルを含む | including AI models) for Windows 10/11(x64)SHA1(Genkhord_stem_Setup.exe): e7d8f9e047ba39ad7e776ccd24295ebd07874c23SHA1(genkhord.exe): 48a8a9945521864ee021d1deaffbe9265251eb76
➡Genkhord_Setup.exe 4,515,897 bytes (ファイルサイズが小さい軽量版。音源分離AIモデルを含まない)
➡Nplay12_stem_Setup.exe 203,969,078 bytes (Genkhordから派生した音楽再生ソフト)
OpenShot ver 3.1.1 → 3.2.0 2024/06/25
June 25, 2024, 12:07 a.m.
June 24, 2024, 11:41 p.m.
June 24, 2024, 11:26 p.m.
June 24, 2024, 3:52 p.m.
June 24, 2024, 3:24 p.m.
June 24, 2024, 2:54 p.m.
June 23, 2024, 11:24 p.m.
June 23, 2024, 10:41 p.m.
June 23, 2024, 8:57 p.m.
Docker ver 27.0.1-rc.1 → 27.0.1 2024/06/25


For a full list of pull requests and changes in this release, refer to the relevant GitHub milestones:

  • docker/cli, 27.0.0 milestone
  • moby/moby, 27.0.0 milestone
  • Deprecated and removed features, see Deprecated Features.
  • Changes to the Engine API, see API version history.


  • containerd image store: Add --platform flag to docker image push and improve the default behavior when not all platforms of the multi-platform image are available locally. docker/cli#4984, moby/moby#47679
  • Add support to docker stack deploy for driver_opts in a service's networks. docker/cli#5125
  • Consider additional /usr
Mozilla Firefox ver 127.0.1 → 127.0.2 2024/06/25
Jenkins ver 2.463 → 2.464 2024/06/25
What's new in 2.464
permalink to this entry
Refine tables and tabs with reduced padding, rounded corners to match cards, and borders that are visible in dark mode.
(pull 9411)
Align font weights and font sizes.
(pull 9393)
Keka ver 1.4.1 → 1.4.2 2024/06/25
Changes in version 1.4.22024-06-25GitHub
Fixed issue when compressing in ZIP format (Thanks to @drakeyboy) #1476
Japanese translation updated (Thanks to @tedSw) #1475
Atuin ver 18.3.0 → 18.4.0-beta.1 2024/06/25
18.4.0-beta.1 - 2024-06-25 Pre-release

Release Notes

Bug Fixes

  • (crate) Add missing description (#2106)
  • (crate) Add description to daemon crate (#2107)
  • (gui) Update deps (#2116)
  • (gui) Add support for checking if the cli is installed on windows (#2162)
  • Cargo binstall config (#2112)
  • Unitless sync_frequence = 0 not parsed by humantime (#2154)
  • Some --help comments didn't show properly (#2176)
  • Ensure we cleanup all tables when deleting (#2191)


  • (daemon) Follow XDG_R
Genkhord ver 1.11.625.5 → 1.11.626.1 2024/06/26
Version 1.11.626.1
2024-06-26 00:51+0900
206,016,255 bytes (AI モデルを含む | including AI models) for Windows 10/11(x64)SHA1(Genkhord_stem_Setup.exe): 4f14d58773654a5abf41cb402d62a999ab4e2aa0SHA1(genkhord.exe): cef1e9c266df47f2642852ccef1892fd2a3b60ac
➡Genkhord_Setup.exe 4,516,235 bytes (ファイルサイズが小さい軽量版。音源分離AIモデルを含まない)
➡Nplay12_stem_Setup.exe 203,970,796 bytes (Genkhordから派生した音楽再生ソフト)
1.11.625.1 2024-06-25 SP:MTRK:タイ機能追加。TIEボタンをクリックすると、連続する音高のノートを一体化する
1.11.626.0 2024-06-26 SP:MTRK:音価の長さを一括調整する機能を追加(-+ボタン)。-ボタンは現在の長さを-20%にする。+ボタンは次のノートまでの隙間の20%を現在の長さに加える
1.10.626.1 2024-06-26 SP:MTRK:x2 /2ボタンの動作がおかしかったので修正した
Lua ver 5.4.6 → 5.4.7 2024/06/26
Vivaldi ver 6.8.3381.44.x64 → 6.8.3381.46.x64 2024/06/26
Chrome 開発版 ver 128.0.6535.2 → 128.0.6555.2 2024/06/26
Obsidian ver 1.6.4 → 1.6.5 2024/06/26
June 25, 2024
Includes all new functionality and bug fixes up to Obsidian Desktop v1.6.5.
Removed "Open in new window" context menu items from bookmarks.
Removed "Open to the right" context menu item from bookmarks on smaller devices.
June 25, 2024
The installer has been updated to use Electron v30.1.2. To upgrade, install visit the Obsidian download page and reinstall Obsidian.
Added a new advanced section at the bottom of "File and links" settings page. This section includes a button for manually rebuilding the metadata cache if the cache gets corrupted or out of sync with the filesystem.
No longer broken
Fixed date and time input being cut off.
Fixed extra border between vertical splits in the sidebar.
Fixed bug where Graph view could constantly save and reload.
rcmd ver 2.5.1 → 2.5.2 2024/06/26
Jun 25, 2024
Version 2.5.2
• Added support for focusing Steam, Riot Client and League of Legends• Fixed experimental window switching
Windows Package Manager preview ver 1.9.1551 → 1.9.1763 2024/06/26
Windows Package Manager 1.9.1763-preview Pre-release

This is the second development build after the Windows Package Manager 1.8 build for Windows 10(1809+) and Windows 11.
This build will be released to Windows Insider Dev builds and Windows Package Manager Insiders.

Experimental features are enabled in this release. Run winget features to see which experimental features are enabled or disabled. Add the following to your settings (winget settings) file to enable the experimental features.

    "experimentalFeatures": {
        "sideBySide": true,
        "configureSelfElevate": true,
        "storeDownload": true,
Slack App ver 4.39.88 → 4.39.89 2024/06/26
Genkhord ver 1.11.626.1 → 1.11.626.2 2024/06/26
Version 1.11.626.2
2024-06-26 08:54+0900
206,016,379 bytes (AI モデルを含む | including AI models) for Windows 10/11(x64)SHA1(Genkhord_stem_Setup.exe): c64d06b3ecc0e19c4ec11bd21951edc0c4f28f18SHA1(genkhord.exe): ec6f39d0f87accea29b5440dc69e0a6cbd8a81bb
➡Genkhord_Setup.exe 4,516,466 bytes (ファイルサイズが小さい軽量版。音源分離AIモデルを含まない)
➡Nplay12_stem_Setup.exe 203,970,793 bytes (Genkhordから派生した音楽再生ソフト)
WingetUI ver 3.1.0-alpha1 → 3.1.0-beta0 2024/06/26
UniGetUI 3.1.0 beta 0 Pre-release

This is the first beta release to implement the UniGetUI rebranding.
Instaling this release will automatically migrate settings and other data to new folders (WingetUI -> UniGetUI), so rolling back to older versions of WingetUI may cause settings to be reset.

Note: When it comes to features, this release should be quite similar to the stable 3.1.0 release


  • Packages will be loaded and stored by a Package Loader, instead of being loaded by the interface.
  • Package lists have been rebuilt to use ItemsView, causing UniGetUI to use less ram (~290mb max -> ~210mb max)
  • The Widgets API has been optimized. Packages load up t
Lingo ver 0.0.1 → 0.0.2 2024/06/26

What's new? 🎉📣

  • 🌐 Add translations (Thanks for @Y-PLONI)
  • ⚙️ Add persistant preference
  • 📝 Add align button to text box(s)
ungoogled-chromium ver 126.0.6478.114-1 → 126.0.6478.126-1 2024/06/26
Update to Chromium 126.0.6478.126
This release is for Linux