Windows 10の累積アップデートKB4480116、KB4480966、KB4480978などが公開 - 2019年1月の月例更新

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S 20190109 101902

Microsoftは本日、毎月第2火曜日(米国時間)に公開している月例更新の一貫として、サポート期間中のWindows 10の各バージョンに対する累積アップデートをそれぞれ公開しました。


一般ユーザー向けの累積的更新プログラムの提供はVersion 1709までとなっています。Windows 10のバージョンごとのサポート期間はWindowsライフサイクルのファクトシートでご確認ください。


それぞれWindows UpdateまたはMicrosoft Update Catalogを利用して導入することが可能で、変更内容は以下の通りです。

KB4480116 (OS Build 17763.253)

Version 1809用の累積アップデートKB4480116では、PowerShellのリモートエンドポイントに影響する脆弱性の修正や、esentutl /pを使用してExtensible Storage Engine(ESE)が正しく修復できない問題の修正、Windowsの各コンポーネントのセキュリティアップデートが行われています。

  • Addresses a security vulnerability in session isolation that affects PowerShell remote endpoints. By default, PowerShell remoting only works with administrator accounts, but can be configured to work with non-administrator accounts. Starting with this release, you cannot configure PowerShell remote endpoints to work with non-administrator accounts. When attempting to use a non-administrator account, the following error will appear:

    “New-PSSession: [computerName] Connecting to remote server localhost failed with the following error message: The WSMan service could not launch a host process to process the given request. Make sure the WSMan provider host server and proxy are properly registered. For more information, see the about_Remote_Troubleshooting Help topic.”

  • Addresses an issue in which using esentutl /p to repair a corrupt Extensible Storage Engine (ESE) database results in a mostly empty database. The ESE database is corrupted and cannot be mounted.

  • Security updates to Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer, Windows App Platform and Frameworks, Windows MSXML, Windows Kernel, Windows Storage and Filesystems, Windows Wireless Networking, Microsoft JET Database Engine, Windows Linux, Windows Virtualization, and the Microsoft Scripting Engine.


手動でインストールする場合、Microsoft Update Catalogからダウンロードすることも可能です。

KB4480966 (OS Build 17134.523)

Version 1803用の累積アップデートKB4480966では、PowerShellのリモートエンドポイントに影響する脆弱性の修正やWindowsの各コンポーネントのセキュリティアップデートが行われています。

  • Addresses a security vulnerability in session isolation that affects PowerShell remote endpoints. By default, PowerShell remoting only works with administrator accounts, but can be configured to work with non-administrator accounts. Starting with this release, you cannot configure PowerShell remote endpoints to work with non-administrator accounts. When attempting to use a non-administrator account, the following error will appear:

    “New-PSSession: [computerName] Connecting to remote server localhost failed with the following error message: The WSMan service could not launch a host process to process the given request. Make sure the WSMan provider host server and proxy are properly registered. For more information, see the about_Remote_Troubleshooting Help topic.”

  • Security updates to Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, Windows App Platform and Frameworks, the Microsoft Scripting Engine, Windows Kernel, Windows Storage and Filesystems, Windows Virtualization, Windows Linux, Windows MSXML, and the Microsoft JET Database Engine .


ファイルはMicrosoft Update Catalogからダウンロードすることも可能です。

KB4480978 (OS Build 16299.904)


  • Addresses a security vulnerability in session isolation that affects PowerShell remote endpoints. By default, PowerShell remoting only works with administrator accounts, but can be configured to work with non-administrator accounts. Starting with this release, you cannot configure PowerShell remote endpoints to work with non-administrator accounts. When attempting to use a non-administrator account, the following error will appear:

    “New-PSSession: [computerName] Connecting to remote server localhost failed with the following error message: The WSMan service could not launch a host process to process the given request. Make sure the WSMan provider host server and proxy are properly registered. For more information, see the about_Remote_Troubleshooting Help topic.”

  • Security updates to Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, Windows App Platform and Frameworks, the Microsoft Scripting Engine, Windows MSXML, Windows Kernel, Windows Storage and Filesystems, Windows Virtualization, Windows Linux, and the Microsoft JET Database Engine.


ファイルはMicrosoft Update Catalogからダウンロードすることも可能です。


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