Picture Stamper


タイトル Picture Stamper
URL http://amin-ahmadi.com/picture-stamper/
バージョン ver 2.8.0
更新日 2017/06/17
追加日 2016/04/05
種別 フリーソフト
説明 画像にウォーターマークをうめこむことができるツール。






OpenGL Tutorials
Picture Stamper for Windows v2.8.0 (23.5 MB)
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Embedding Fonts in Your Qt Application
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OpenGL Tutorials
Thou shalt programme
Picture Stamper
Add opacity to watermark or logo image (as of version 2.8.0)
Ultra Light weight (Less than 25MBs installer file size for both Mac and Windows versions)
Supported in Mac OS X (64-bit, tested in El Capita, Yosemite and Sierra)
Set output format and/or JPG compression configuration and hit “Start Stamping”
Below is an screenshot of the new user interface:
Released on October 13, 2016
Picture Stamper for Windows v28.0 (23.5 MB)
Picture Stamper for Mac OS X v2.8.0 (14.5 MBs)
Cascade Trainer GUI
Prepare positive and negative samples, then train and test your Haar and LBP cascade classifiers using a free and simple but powerful GUI tool. Read more ...
Top Posts and Content
Picture Stamper
How to build OpenCV from source for VC14
How to Build OpenCV 3.1 with MSVC2010 for x86
Released on April 13, 2016
Picture Stamper for Windows v2.6.6 (34 MB)
Picture Stamper for Mac OS X v2.6.6 (25 MBs)
Released on April 12, 2016
Picture Stamper for Windows v2.6.5 (35MB)
Picture Stamper for Mac OS X v2.5.1 (10)
Added new output file types. Now JPG, PNG and TIF are supported.
Light weight (about 50MBs installer file size for both Mac and Windows versions)
Released on April 11st, 2016
Picture Stamper for Windows v2.6.0 (45 MB)
Picture Stamper for Mac OS X v2.6.0 (51MB)