

タイトル Raycast
URL https://www.raycast.com/
バージョン ver 1.79.0
更新日 2024/07/18
追加日 2022/04/23
種別 フリーソフト
説明 軽量でキビキビ動く多機能ランチャーソフト。



毎日の作業をスピードアップできるシンプルなスクリプト「Script Command」や、カスタムWeb検索機能を呼び出すことができる「Quicklinks」、クリップボード履歴、スニペット機能、計算機能などさまざまな機能を利用可能。




StoreProTeamsDevelopersChangelogBlogPricingLog inDownloadLog inChangelogv1.79.0July 17, 2024🙅 Auto Quit Applications
💎 Improvements
AI Chat Presets: Added an action to copy the deeplink to a preset. Opening the deeplink will start a new AI Chat with that preset.
Improve the consistency of the order of displays when running the “Next/Previous Display” command
Calculator: You can now specify the fallbackText in the deeplink of the “Calculator History” command to link to a specific calculation
Calculator: 6-digit hex colors that aren’t prefixed by # are now recognised as colors in the root search. Try it: FF6363
AI Attachments: Added support to missing text based file types (including .go , .ts )
Misc: Reduced memory footprint. Added a “Cache Diagnostics” tool to gather logs about image memory and disk caching.
Window Management: Change text fields values with up/shift+up/down/shift+down key combinations in Create Command sheet
Window Management: Save Create Command sheet text fields unit preferences to user defaults
🐞 Fixes
Calculator: The results will now correctly be in your system timezone (even if you change timezones)
Search Menu Items: Addressed issue where menu titles were truncated early
Create Snippets: Fixed emoji not being pasted in the rich text editor
My Schedule: Improved link detection reliability when the event contains HTML
Root Search: Fix pasting number columns copied from Excel
Main Window: Fix resetting compact main window position through shortcut
Window Management: Fix resizing minimized apps windows
Window Management: Move all windows to screen containing mouse when applying a layout
StoreProTeamsDevelopersChangelogBlogPricingLog inDownloadLog inChangelogv1.78.0July 3, 2024🪟 Window Layouts
We're introducing Create Window Layout Command, a dynamic new addition to custom window management that allows you to create ideal app layout configurations for your optimal workflow.
✨ New
Quicklink Icons: You can now set a custom icon for quicklinks. Choose from any icon in our icon set when you are creating or editing a Quicklink
💎 Improvements
Renamed the “Summarize Website” and “Ask Website” AI Commands to “Summarize Webpage” and “Ask Webpage” for a more accurate description of their functionality
Quicklink: The “autofill” feature now works with Arc
AI Chat: cmd + q will now close the AI Chat window
AI Chat: Add a setting to control the return key behavior when sending a message. You can now choose to use ⌘↵ to submit a message and have ↵ insert a new line in the composer
AI Chat: Added a Clipboard action to insert the current clipboard contents as an attachment
Clipboard History: Six-digit hexadecimal color codes copied from Graphics & Design apps are now automatically interpreted as colors
Send Feedback: A category can be assigned when submitting a feedback
Quit All Applications: The command will now close Raycast windows, including the AI Chat and Floating Notes, by default. You can turn off this behaviour in the command's settings
🐞 Fixes
Quicklink: Fixed copying the link of a Quicklink to a file. Previously it would actually copy the file itself.
AI Chat: Fixed cmd + Number being off by one in the sidebar when having the New Chat selected.
AI Chat: Fixed text grabbing from Google Docs and Slides.
AI Chat: Message submission is blocked until attachments are processed
AI Chat: Do not insert attachments when pasting text into the composer
StoreProTeamsDevelopersChangelogBlogPricingLog inDownloadLog inChangelogv1.77.0June 19, 2024📎 AI Chat Attachments
Click the new plus button in the AI Chat composer or press “⌘ ⇧ A” to add an attachment. You can add multiple attachments and mix and match them. Give it a try!
🆓 Raycast Pro Free 14-Days Trial
✨ New
Dynamic Placeholders: Added a new json-stringify modifier
💎 Improvements
Calendar: You can now join FaceTime and chorus.ai video meetings right from Raycast
Quit All Applications: The command now includes Raycast windows by default. You can customize this behavior in the command's settings.
🐞 Fixes
Window Management: Fixed window moving to next/previous desktop.
Switch Windows: Fixed tracking windows of apps that were launched after the initial command use.
Siri Shortcuts: Fixed multithreading crashes on system with a big number of shortcuts.
v1.76.0June 6, 2024🔗 Dynamic Placeholders in Quicklinks
StoreProTeamsDevelopersChangelogBlogPricingLog inDownloadLog inChangelogv1.76.0June 6, 2024🔗 Dynamic Placeholders in Quicklinks
✨ New
AI Chat Presets are now available in root search. So you can quickly open a new chat based on a preset and assign a hotkey or alias to frequently used ones
💎 Improvements
AI Chat: Improved keyboard navigation by highlighting toolbar elements
AI Chat: When created via a preset, new chats display the preset name and icon in the status bar
AI Chat Presets: You can now set a custom icon for your presets 🤪
AI Image Generation: Quick Look action directly displays the image without a submenu. You can also double-click an image to Quick Look
Root Search: Improved matching logic to avoid triggering calculator when typing query like “2fa”
🐞 Fixes
Theme Studio: A tooltip now appears when hovering the color hex info icon
AI Chat: Fixed an issue where the setting status icon size could be incorrect
AI Image Generation: Creating image placeholder is not shown anymore when reloading an already generated image
Window Management: Fixed an issue that prevented hotkeys and aliases from being synced for custom Window Management commands
Cloud Sync: Fixed an issue where hotkeys and aliases were not registered correctly after fetching remote changes
Misc: Fix main window opening in incorrect screen when displays share one space
System Settings: Fix Network command opening Wi-Fi pane
v1.75.0May 22, 2024🪟 Custom Window Management Commands
StoreProTeamsDevelopersChangelogBlogPricingLog inDownloadLog inChangelogv1.75.0May 22, 2024🪟 Custom Window Management Commands
Take your workflow to the next level. Keep your desktop clean with custom window commands to resize and position your windows.
Run Create Window Management Command from the search or go to Settings → Extensions → Window Management → Create Command. Learn more about custom commands in the manual.
Note: Custom Window Management Commands is a part of our paid PRO subscription.
💎 Improvements
Typing Practice: Source now fits 2 lines on the scorecard and has a tooltip when hovering
AI Feedback: You can now submit feedback for bad responses in Quick AI and AI Chat. Use the Bad Response… action or click on the 👎 button in the message’s toolbar to submit feedback
AI Chat/Quick AI: Added a Copy Reference action to quickly copy a reference URL to the clipboard
🐞 Fixes
Typing Practice: Fixed a few issues that might have caused a crash in rare cases
AI Chat: Fixed avatar appearance after changing theme
Quick AI: Fixed an issue which prevented pasting into the search field using ⌘V
v1.74.0May 15, 2024🖼️ Image Generation
StoreProTeamsDevelopersChangelogBlogPricingLog inDownloadLog inChangelogv1.74.0May 15, 2024🖼️ Image Generation
Unleash your creativity effortlessly with AI Image Generation. Within AI Chat or Quick AI, you can select a model supporting image generation and just ask “Generate an image of a cat“.
The following image generation models are supported:
DALL·E 2: With GPT-3.5 Turbo
DALL·E 3: With GPT-4, GPT-4 Turbo, GPT-4o
🐞 Fixes
Emoji Search: Enhanced performance for navigating emojis.
Window Management: Fixed the Next/Previous Desktop commands when there are full-screen apps in between desktops
v1.73.0May 8, 2024⚠️ If you’re running Raycast 1.69 or 1.70, please make sure to manually update the app by running the Check for Updates command or by clicking this link ⚠️
StoreProTeamsDevelopersChangelogBlogPricingLog inDownloadLog inChangelogv1.73.0May 8, 2024⚠️ If you’re running Raycast 1.69 or 1.70, please make sure to manually update the app by running the Check for Updates command or by clicking this link ⚠️
⌨️ Typing Practice
With this command it couldn’t be easier to practice your keyboard skills. Use the Start Typing Practice command to begin improving your WPM (words per minute). Make sure to share your score with us by copying the score card as an image ⌘C 😍
To bring the best typing experience to the Mac, we collaborated with Monkeytype - check them out!
✨ New
AI Chat: You can now set the default settings to use when creating a new chat. Head to Settings → Extensions → AI Chat → New Chat Settings. You can choose from Last Used Settings, an AI Chat Preset or a model.
💎 Improvements
Date Pickers: You can now enter things like “in 1h and 10min” and the Date Picker will suggest the corresponding date
Snippets: Support for up to 15k simultaneous snippet aliases
Search AI Chat Presets: Added an action to set the selected preset as the default for new chats
Open Camera: Added a setting to exclude wallpaper from the photo
🐞 Fixes
Settings: Fixed issue where disabling the root Shortcuts preference did not disable underlying shortcuts
AI: Resolved timeout issues with certain models
Browser Extension: Fixed an issue when multiple users were trying to use Raycast and its Browser Extension on the same computer
AI Chat Presets: Fixed an issue which prevented imported presets from syncing
Extensions: Fixed an issue where extension passwords could sometimes be reset after syncing
Root Search: Fixed an issue where hotkeys or aliases could be reset after syncing
UI: Fixed incorrect layout of grid item titles in some circumstances
StoreProTeamsDevelopersChangelogBlogPricingLog inDownloadLog inChangelogv1.72.0April 24, 2024⚠️ If you’re running Raycast 1.69 or 1.70, please make sure to manually update the app by running Check for Updates command or by clicking this link ⚠️
💬 AI Chat Presets
💎 Improvements
Auto-dismiss the “See What’s New” item after one day
Search Emojis & Symbols: Added an action to reset the ranking of an emoji
AI Commands: Improve text selection reliability and speed
Quick AI: Add action to delete selected message
AI Chat: New chats now remember the model, creativity, instructions and tools settings used in the last new chat
AI Model Picker: The model information popover now only appears after changing the currently selected model
Export: Added an export action for Snippets and AI Commands. This lets you save the selected item as JSON file.
New command: Run Last Command, runs the last command you performed.
🐞 Fixes
Root Search: Fixed immediate pop to root search after using global shortcut with input
Shortcuts: Fixed issue where no shortcuts were being detected
Shortcuts: Improved detection of shortcuts icons and parameters
AI Commands: Fixed the issue where the diff highlighting feature was not appearing for some users
AI Chat: Fixed an issue which prevented the reference popover from appearing for chat messages
Search Files: The “Show in Finder” action should now always bring the Finder window to the front
App: Improved reliability of app activation when opening the AI Chat or Settings window
StoreDeveloperTeamsProNewChangelogPricingBlogChangelogv1.71.0April 10, 2024⚠️ If you’re running Raycast 1.69 or 1.70, please make sure to manually update the app by running the Check for Updates command or by clicking this link ⚠️
🆕 More AI Models
Pick from the following models:
OpenAI GPT-3.5 Turbo, GPT-4 Turbo (no support for vision yet), or GPT-4
Anthropic Claude 3 Haiku, Sonnet* or Opus*
Perplexity Sonar Small or Sonar Medium*
Mistral Mixtral 8x7B or Llama 2 70B, powered by Groq
Meta Code Llama 70B
Each model has unique benefits balancing speed and intelligence. Learn more about them in this blog post.
Note: * Model requires Advanced AI Model add-on
✨ New
You can now duplicate built-in AI Commands to tweak them however you want
Added a new built-in AI Command to ask a question about a website (requires the Browser Extension)
💎 Improvements
Improved built-in AI Commands to follow instructions more closely and maintain the language of the original text
Improved icons for creativity in AI Chat and AI Commands
Improved Snippets to support export to a JSON file
Improved the parser for Dynamic Placeholders. It is twice as fast and allow you to escape characters in options’ values like {argument options="foo,bar\,baz"} or {argument options="foo,bar\"baz"}
Added an action to edit a Siri Shortcut
StoreDeveloperTeamsProNewChangelogPricingBlogChangelogv1.70.0March 20, 2024🌐 Companion Browser Extension
✨ New
Quick AI: Follow-up enables you to continue the conversation right in the Raycast window
AI Chat: Pin your favorite chats in the sidebar for quick access
💎 Improvements
Snippets: Improved snippets reliability and performance. We have been fine-tuning the engine for snippet injection lately to deliver the best performance. Please let us know if you experience any issues in the latest version
AI Chat: Quickly switch between the first ten chats with ⌘1, ⌘2, etc.
AI Chat: When continuing a chat from Quick AI, the chat is now automatically saved with a generated title
AI Chat: The minimum window width has been reduced
Search Contacts: Contacts are now sorted based on default user preference
My Schedule: Add action to list and copy information about specific attendees
🐞 Fixes
Date Picker: Fixed the suggestions being off by 1 week in some cases
Search Menu Items: Updated the search to be diacritic insensitive
Window Management: Fixed an issue where a window that cannot be resized was not being moved to the requested position
AI Chat: Direct paste to other applications now works correctly
Dynamic Placeholders: Fixed an issue where the Snippets sub-menu would not expand
Dynamic Placeholders: Fixed an issue where the Snippets sub-menu would not close after inserting a snippet
Settings: Fixed a bug which prevented setting hotkeys which also existed in application’s main menu
StoreDeveloperTeamsProNewChangelogPricingBlogChangelogv1.69.0March 7, 2024💬 New AI Chat
Note: AI Chat is a part of our paid PRO subscription
✨ New
AI Chat: New sidebar to switch between chats, and search chats via their content
AI Chat: Choose between “Always on Top” or normal window behavior
AI Chat: Full Window Management support
💎 Improvements
AI Chat: Automatic Web Search preference is remembered across new chats
AI Chat: Button in the rename popover to generate a title with AI
AI Chat: Larger action palette and chat switcher
Snippets: Commands with parameters now properly working with the Text Expander
My Schedule: Show the conference provider icon in the event item
Calculator: Added support for formatting a date using the same format as the {date} dynamic placeholder - for example, "March 12, 2023 as EEEE, MMM d, yyyy" (= Sunday, Mar 12, 2023)
Calculator: For Europeans, added support for automatic 3 decimal places of accuracy in currency results: €12,995 - €1,747 = €11,248 (Note that the result is still 11, not 11 thousand)
Calculator: Added support for the Oklab and Oklch color formats
Quicklinks: Favicon resolving should be more robust now
🐞 Fixes
Date Picker: Fixed an issue where it was not possible to select dates in the past
Calculator: Fixed some color space conversion issues
v1.68.0February 21, 2024✨ Quality of Life Improvements