
2024/05/21 16時〜2024/05/22 16時までに更新されたソフトウェア

Keyboard Maestro、FastCopy、Kotlin、Windows Repair Toolbox、Joplin、mi、Jenkins、PowerToys等が更新されました。

Keyboard Maestro ver 11.0.2 → 11.0.3 2024/05/21
Changed in 11.0.3
Changed in 11.0.3
Support dragging a file on to the File Selection button in the Write to File action. (forum)
Added the SelectMenuByNameText token. (forum)
Corrected %LongSystemVersion% token to %SystemLongVersion%. (forum)
Worked around a bug in NSRegularExpression erroneously setting NSMatchingHitEnd. (forum)
Worked around an issue with Open the Finder Selection action. (forum)
Remove exists condition for Variable condition which has no single meaning.
Resolved a crash if you enter percent characters in USB Device or Mounted Volume trigger names.
Fixed Manipulate a Window action not working on multiple windows when it should have.
Fixed an issue with Focused Window Titled Changed trigger on activation. (forum)
Fixed an issue with displaying some forms of styled text. (forum)
Fixed an issue where the Active Macro Groups palette could be incorrect.
Fixed a possible issue with New Google Chrome Window action putting the URL in the old window.
Fixed an issue where modifiers could be added to the search field if it was the focussed field when the editor activated. (forum)
Tried again to resolve issues with non-integer refresh rates and the Set Screen Resolution action.
manual/Whats_New.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/21 02:31 by peternlewis
FastCopy ver 5.7.10 → 5.7.11 2024/05/21
Kotlin ver 2.0.0-RC3 → 2.0.0 2024/05/21
Kotlin 2.0.0


Analysis. API

New Features

  • KT-65327 Support reading klib contents in Analysis API

Performance Improvements

  • KT-65560 K2: Anaysis API: ContextCollector triggers redundant resolution in the case of file elements
  • KT-64987 Analysis API: 50GB memory allocation on creating empty kotlinx.collections.immutable.persistentMapOf
  • KT-61789 K2: optimize getFirForNonKtFileElement for references inside super type reference
  • KT-59498 K2: getOnAirGetTowerContextProvider took too much time due to on air resolve
  • KT-61728 Analysis API: optimize AllCandidatesRes
Windows Repair Toolbox ver → 2024/05/21
Skip to content Windows Repair Toolbox(Almost) everything you need to repair Windows problems in one small handy tool.MenuPrivacy PolicyWindows Repair Toolbox
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Joplin ver 3.0.6 → 3.0.7 2024/05/21
v3.0.7 Pre-release
  • New: Api: Add support for note.source property (a747828)
  • Improved: Added capability to toggle visibility of the Menu Bar from the View menu (#10324) (#1752 by @LightTreasure)
  • Improved: Api: Exclude deleted and conflicted notes when calling /notes (57c316a)
  • Improved: Improves formatting of log statements (aac8d58)
  • Improved: Note attachments screen: Allow searching for attachments (#10442 by @personalizedrefrigerator)
  • Improved: Sidebar: Remove redundant focus indicator (#10443 by @personalizedrefrigerator)
  • Fixed: Fix default values for plugin setti
mi ver 3.7.9 → 3.7.10 2024/05/22
mi テキストエディタ バージョン3.7.10
 mi テキストエディタ バージョン 3.7.10(1570) のダウンロード
・リモートファイル機能にて接続タイプがFTPSの場合に、macOS 14.5にて接続できない問題、および、セキュリティ上の問題の修正(#1905)
Jenkins ver 2.458 → 2.459 2024/05/22
What's new in 2.459
permalink to this entry
Upgrade Commons FileUpload from 1.5 to 2.0.0-M2.
Users of the miniorange-saml-sp plugin should upgrade to a compatible version in lockstep with upgrading Jenkins core.
(Apache Commons 2.0.0-M2 release notes)
Provide header parts as a tag library.
(pull 9223)
Avoid jumping layout due to tooltips.
(issue 73158)
Allow PKCS 12 certificates to be added to the credentials store again (regression in 2.453).
(issue 73166)
Restore No changes label when there are no changes in a build (regression in 2.453).
(issue 73168)
Handle svg cleanup via an xml document to avoid broken symbols.
(issue 73156)
Rename CloudSet query parameter type to cloudDescriptorName to avoid conflicts in Cloud implementations.
(issue 72622)
Treat lines of text (mainly in build logs) as completed by a single carriage return in addition to a newline or carriage return plus newline, avoiding an out of memory error if a large number of such lines are printed in sequence.
PowerToys ver 0.80.1 → 0.81.0 2024/05/22
Release v0.81.0

In the v0.81 release cycle, we focused on stability, improvements and new features.

Installer Hashes


  • New utility: Advanced Paste, an AI powered tool to convert your clipboard content into another format. Thanks @craigloewen-msft for the core functionality and @niels9001 for the UI/UX design!
  • Command Not Found now uses the PowerShell Gallery release and now supports ARM64. Thanks @carlos-zamora!
  • Fixed most accessibility issues opened after the latest accessibility review.
  • Refactored, packaged and released the main Environment Variables Editor, Hosts File Editor and Registry Preview utilities functionality as controls to be integrated into DevHome. Thanks @dabhattimsft for validating and integrating
RunJS ver 2.12.0 → 2.12.1 2024/05/22
2.12.1 Pre-release
  • Fix an issue that caused file content to be loaded twice when opening a file.
NuGet ver 6.9 → 6.10 2024/05/22
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NuGet 6.10
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Coming soon: Throughout 2024 we will be phasing out GitHub Issues as the feedback mechanism for content and replacing it with a new feedback system. For more information see: https://aka.ms/ContentUserFeedback.
Chrome 安定版 ver 125.0.6422.60 → 125.0.6422.76 2024/05/22
SofTalk ver 1.93.63 → 2.00.00 2024/05/22
ファイル:stn020000.zip / 91,445,833Bytes / 2024.05.19
ちょぷり - テキストーク 完全無料で使えるテキストを音声読み上げするフリーソフトウェア(ユーザー評価:4)
GoVolume 音量に合わせたリアルタイム自動音量調整 ループバック音源選択でステレオミキサーの設定不要(ユーザー評価:4)
ネットラジオ録音 X2 for Windows ユーザーの声から新機能を搭載したインターネットラジオ再生録音ソフト(ユーザー評価:2.5)
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OTEdit for Mac ver 10.6.2 → 10.6.3 2024/05/22
V10.6.3 (2024年5月22日 無償バージョンアップ)