Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 26052がリリース sudoやregeditなど改善点多数

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Microsoftは本日、Windows 11のWindows Insider ProgramのCanary/Devチャンネル向けの最新ビルド「Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 26052」をリリースしました。

Canaryチャンネル向けは「Build 26052.1000」、Devチャンネル向けは「Build 26052.1100 (KB5035384)」となっていますが、両者に違いは存在しません。CanaryチャンネルとDevチャンネルで同じビルドが提供されるのは一時的なもので、期間中はCanaryチャンネルからDevチャンネルへ切り替えることもできます。


Windows Insider Programの更新オプションでCanaryDevチャンネルを選択し、Windows 11のプレビュー版を使用しているユーザーは、Windows Updateを利用して最新版に更新することができます。

Build 26052の新機能

Sudo for Windows

コマンドラインから直接プロセスを昇格させることができるSudo for Windowsの導入。


LE Audio対応PCでは、Bluetooth Low Energy Audio(LE Audio)対応補聴器のサポートが改善された。今回のビルドでもこのサポートを次のレベルに引き上げる一連の機能が導入され、オーディオプリセット、アンビエントサウンド、およびエクスペリエンスの強化が行われた。

Sound L3 Hearing Aids UX


デフォルトと通信モードのオーディオの違いをテストする便利な方法を提供。マイクのプロパティの下にある「設定 > システム > サウンド」から見つけることができる。モードを選択し、両方のモードでオーディオを録音/試聴できるため、Windowsエコシステム用に構築されたアプリケーションのオーディオ処理モードを簡単に比較できる。

Mic test settings

その他Copilot in Windowsの改良や、タスクバーへ表示されるエネルギーセーバーアイコンの更新、カラーマネジメントの改良、レジストリエディタの検索機能の強化などさまざまな変更が行われています。

Changes and Improvements


  • Starting with Build 26-xx today, Windows Insiders in the Canary and Dev Channels will see the versioning updated under Settings > System > About (and winver) to version 24H2. This denotes that Windows 11, version 24H2 will be this year’s annual feature update. As mentioned here, Windows 11 will have an annual feature update cadence that releases in the second half of the calendar year.
  • Plugging in to use a Windows Mixed Reality headset will not work starting with this build. Windows Mixed Reality is no longer available to users as Windows Mixed Reality has been announced as deprecated. This includes the Mixed Reality Portal app, and Windows Mixed Reality for SteamVR and Steam VR Beta. Existing Windows Mixed Reality devices will continue to work with Steam through November 2026, if users remain on their current released version of Windows 11 (version 23H2) and do not upgrade to this year’s annual feature update for Windows 11 (version 24H2). This deprecation does not impact HoloLens.
  • Microsoft Defender Application Guard (MDAG) is no longer available as a feature on demand starting with this build. Microsoft Defender Application Guard for Office and Edge has been announced as deprecated.

[Copilot in Windows*]

  • We are trying out a new experience for Copilot in Windows that helps showcase the ways that Copilot can accelerate and enhance your work. This experience will show when you copy text – since Copilot supports helpful actions that you can take with text content. In this scenario, the Copilot icon will change appearance and animate to indicate that Copilot can help (there are several different treatments so you may notice a different visual effect). When you hover your mouse over the Copilot icon, it will provide a menu of actions that you can take, such as summarizing or explaining the copied text. If you select an action on the menu, it will launch Copilot with the action ready-to-go. We will also support the ability to launch Copilot if you start dragging an image – just drag the image file onto the Copilot icon in the taskbar, and Copilot will open. You can then drop the image into the text box in Copilot and type an action that you would like to take on the image content.
Copilot actions you can take when you mouse over the Copilot icon on the taskbar after copying some text.
  • After temporarily disabling this experience to fix an issue, we are trying out opening Copilot automatically when Windows starts on widescreen devices again with some Windows Insiders in the Canary and Dev Channels. This can be managed via Settings > Personalization > Copilot. Note that this is rolling out so not all Insiders in the Dev Channel will see this right away. We’re trying this experience out on devices that have minimum diagonal screen size of 27” and pixel width of 1920 pixels and limited to primary display screens in multi-monitor scenarios. As a reminder, we regularly try out different experiences with Windows Insiders that may not ever ship, and others could show up in future Windows releases when they’re ready.
New Copilot Settings page.

[Taskbar & System Tray]

  • We have updated the energy saver icon for desktop PCs (PCs without batteries). This icon is shown on the system tray when energy saver is enabled, under quick settings, and under Settings > System power & battery.
Different energy saver icons on the system tray for desktop PCs and laptops.


  • Today, when discovering available Bluetooth devices to connect to, Windows filters out device classes that are uncommon. Customers who wish to override this filter and see all nearby devices available to pair can do so by choosing “Advanced” for the “Bluetooth devices discovery” setting. Starting with this build, we are removing that option and introducing some changes to the add device workflow to streamline this experience. Now, discovery will always scan for all devices, but only show common device types by default. Whenever an “uncommon” device is found during the discovery process, an option to “Show all devices” will be displayed to the customer.


  • Windows Insiders who use the Color Management Control Panel to make changes to their color profiles can now use the all-new Color management settings page located under Settings > System > Display > Color management. This new settings page will allow users to add or remove color profiles, as well as set default color profiles for the connected displays. In addition, auto color management can now be found on the new Color management settings page.
Old Color Management Control Panel and new Color Management settings page.

[Registry Editor]

  • The Registry Editor now supports limiting a search to the currently selected key and its descendants.
New search in subtree option for searching in Registry Editor.

[Developer APIs]

  • Starting with this build, we are introducing the Power Grid Forecast API. This API empowers app developers to optimize app behavior, minimizing environmental impact by shifting background tasks to times when more renewable energy is available in the local electrical grid. The result is lower carbon emissions for app users. Please note that forecast quality varies by region and is not available globally. While the API is available in this build, we are still working on public documentation, sample code, and we have a couple of bug fixes checked in. All of this should make its way to Insiders in the coming weeks.
  • We are adding an energy saver notification callback setting GUID to represent the new energy saver experience introduced in Build 26002. Apps can subscribe to the energy saver status by passing the appropriate GUID to the PowerSettingRegisterNotification API and can implement different behaviors to optimize energy or performance depending on the current energy saver status. More details can be found in here.
  • We are making a minor extension of the existing Effective Power Mode API to interpret the new energy saver levels when determining the returned effective power mode. Documentation will be updated shortly.



  • You can go Settings > Bluetooth & devices > Printers & scanners to choose to setup Windows protected print mode but clicking the setup button under “Printer preferences”. This experience will continue to be refined in future flights.
  • We moved the option to show your Wi-Fi password to the top of the Wi-Fi properties page under Settings > Network & Internet > Wi-Fi.
  • [ADDED] We have updated the UI for Storage Spaces under Settings > System > Storage > Storage Spaces to more intuitively reflect Spaces. Some key changes include: remove confusing and/misleading status icons, replace links to Disk Management with links to Disks & Volumes, share drive labels and letter, when applicable, offering an explanation for a term when hovering over it, and adding upgrade and delete pool. This UI change should provide greater ease of storage management on Windows.  


  • We’ve adjusted the text in the notification when a PC detects a slow charger.
Updated notification when a PC detects a slow charger.
  • You can now use the Camera app to join a Wi-Fi network. Just scan a QR code with Wi-Fi details and a link will be provided that will open Settings to quickly get the new Wi-Fi profile added and connected. As a reminder, starting with Build 25977 in the Canary Channel you can create your own QR code for Wi-Fi and share it with others. This also works for mobile hotspots too.
Scan a QR code with Wi-Fi details in the Camera app to quickly connect to a Wi-Fi network.

Fixes for known issues

  • We fixed the issue where in some multi-monitor configurations, a display would appear as frozen in Build 26040.
  • Fixed a DWM issue in Build 26040 causing some rendering issues.
  • Fixed an issue causing Build 26040 flight to fail to install for some Insiders with error code 0x80188306.
  • Fixed an issue causing the print queue to not open in recent Canary Channel flights.
  • Did some more work to help improve the launch performance of File Explorer.
  • Fixed multiple crashes impacting system tray and its flyouts.
  • The volume slider in quick settings will now make a sound when adjusted again.
  • When using the save dialog, if you try to save a file to Gallery in File Explorer, it will now save to your Pictures library rather than showing an error.

Known issues


  • [IMPORTANT NOTE FOR GAMERS – UPDATED!] Some popular games may not work correctly and cause a bugcheck (green screen) when launched on the most recent Insider Preview builds in the Canary Channel. Please be sure to submit feedback in Feedback Hub on any issues you see with playing games on these builds.
  • Content in some video streaming apps from the Microsoft Store may not play. As a workaround, try streaming from a browser.
  • [NEW] We’re working on the fix for an issue causing an increase in Insiders experiencing black screens starting with Build 26040 (including when waking your PC from sleep). If you encounter this, pressing WIN + CTRL + Shift + B may resolve it.
  • [ADDED] A Display Connection section is incorrectly showing up under Settings > System > Display > Graphics that when clicked, will crash Settings. This section will be removed in a future flight. 


  • Keyboard navigation from settings subpages back to the top-level Settings page is broken.


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