
2024/05/19 16時〜2024/05/20 16時までに更新されたソフトウェア

GQL、Stats、Winpilot、DBeaver、Mac Mouse Fix、Ventoy、WingetUI、XMedia Recode等が更新されました。

GQL ver 0.19.0 → 0.19.1 2024/05/19
  • Fix Count aggregation function parameter type #101 .
Stats ver 2.10.13 → 2.10.14 2024/05/19

Bug fixes

  • fix: removed debug logs from combined view (#1947)


  • lang: added import/export settings translation (#1945)
Winpilot ver 2024.5.13 → 2024.5.19 2024/05/19
Winpilot 2024.5.19


  • Access to the menu and menu navigation, in general, has been updated to align with the Windows 11 design language. This transition is being rolled out gradually. There's a possibility that Clippy might be integrated into a notification bar to reduce its impact on the UI. The elements you're seeing now are essentially expansions of the Windows 11 Settings app, but let's face it, Microsoft won't officially introduce them 😹
  • The JavaScript code for the UI frontend has been optimized
  • Further optimizations and refinements have been made to the code related to the UI, resulting in faster loading times
  • Download of Arc Browser has been added to the Install section
  • Tiny11 support remains experimental. If you choose to utilize this feature and work with a "tiny/debloated" image, proceed at yo
DBeaver ver 24.0.4 → 24.0.5 2024/05/20
            - SQL Editor:
                - Smart mode for statement delimiter was improved
                - Default option for the setting 'Blank line is statement delimiter' was changed to 'Always'
                - Cursor behavior during autocompletion was improved
                - Code highlighting issue with a quoted identifier in case of no connection was fixed
                - High CPU usage for large script was fixed
            - Metadata Editor:
                - Highlighting for created entities was changed to green
                - Virtual foreign keys: reference table container selector was fixed
            - Database Navigator: CTRL+C and other shortcuts behavior after the application startup were fixed
            - AI (extension): custom scope performance was improved
            - General:
                - Opening editors for files w
Mac Mouse Fix ver 3.0.2 → 2.2.4 2024/05/20

Mac Mouse Fix 2.2.4 is now notarized! It also includes some small bug fixes and other improvements.


Mac Mouse Fix 2.2.4 is now 'notarized' by Apple. That means no more messages about Mac Mouse Fix being potentially 'Malicious Software' when opening the app for the first time.


Notarizing your app costs $100 per year. I was always against this, since it felt hostile towards free and open source software like Mac Mouse Fix, and it also felt like a dangerous step towards Apple controlling and locking down the Mac like they do iPhones or iPads. But lack of notarization led to different problems, including many confused users and several situations where nobody could use the app anymore until I released a new version.

For Mac Mouse Fix 3, I

Ventoy ver 1.0.97 → 1.0.98 2024/05/20
Ventoy 1.0.98 release
  1. Upadte EFI boot files.
  2. Fix the issue that can not recognize Ext4 filesytem created with latest gparted.
  3. Fix the issue that VTOY_LINUX_REMOUNT=1 can not take effect in RHEL9/CentOS9. (#2827)
  4. Fix the boot issue for latest archlinux. (#2825 #2824)
  5. Fix the boot issue for latest KAOS.
  6. languages.json update
  7. vtoyboot-1.0.35 release. Notes

Wana boot and install OS through network (PXE)? Welcome to my new project iVentoy.

About iVentoy https://www.iventoy.com
iVentoy is an enhanced version of the PXE server.
Extremely easy to use
Many advanced features
x86 Legacy BIOS, IA32 UEFI, x86_64 UEFI and ARM64 UEFI mode supported
110+ common types of OS suppor

WingetUI ver 3.0.2 → 3.1.0-alpha0 2024/05/20
UniGetUI (formerly WingetUI) 3.1.0 alpha 0 Pre-release

This is the first development release to implement the UniGetUI rebranding.
Instaling this release will automatically migrate settings and other data to new folders (WingetUI -> UniGetUI), so rolling back to older versions of WingetUI may cause settings to be reset.


  • Rebranding from WingetUI to UniGetUI
    • Any occurrences of WingetUI have been changed to UniGetUI
    • Settings have been moved from user profile to AppData\Local
  • Improvements to the package managers
    • All dotnet-based package managers do call the nuget api when possible. This dramatically speeds up find packages and loa
XMedia Recode ver → 2024/05/20
XMedia Recodeöffentlichung: 19.05.2024Aktualisierung von ffmpegAktualisierung von x264 (3191) CodecFehlerbehebungkleinere Fehler behoben Download
ueli ver 9.0.0-beta.2 → 9.0.0-beta.3 2024/05/20
9.0.0-beta.3 Pre-release

New features:

  • Added the option to switch between different filtering algorithms. Currently supported: Fuse.js and fuzzysort. This will solve problems where users experienced unexpected search result items to show up.
HyperSnap ver 9.5.0 → 9.5.1 2024/05/20
64-bit HyperSnap 9.5.1 (English version)
    Download 32-bit HyperSnap 9.5.1
HyperSnap 9.5.1, 64-bit   
German version HyperSnap 9.5.1,
GUIPropView ver 1.26 → 1.30 2024/05/20
GUIPropView v1.30
Copyright (c) 2016 - 2024 Nir Sofer
Version 1.30:
Added 'FocusKeyText' action to the /Action command, which sets the keybaord focus to the specified window and then sends keystrokes to this window according to the specfied text.
For example: this command sends 'RegEdit.exe' keystrokes to the Explorer 'Run' dialog-box:
GUIPropView.exe /Action FocusKeyText "RegEdit.exe" Process:Explorer.exe Class:#32770 Title:Run Child.ID:1001
Added 'FocusKeyPress' action to the /Action command, which sets the keybaord focus to the specified window and then sends the specified key combination to this window.
For example: this command sends Ctrl+A (Select All) and Ctrl+C (Copy to the clipboard) to the opened window of Notepad:
GUIPropView.exe /Action FocusKeyPress "Ctrl+A Ctrl+C" Process:notepad.exe Visible:Yes
FocusKeyText [Keyboard Text] - Set the keyboard focus to the specified window and then send keystrokes to this window according to the specfied text.
FocusKeyPress [Key Combination] - Set the keybaord focus to the specified window and then sends the specified key combination to this window.
You can use multiple key combinations in one command , delimited by space character (but the entire key combination string must be in quotes !), for exmaple:
"Alt+Ctrl+P Ctrl+S" , "Ctrl+Shift+A X Y Z".
You can use the following keys in the Key Combination string: 0-9,A-Z,F1-F24,shift,leftshift,rightshift,ctrl,leftctrl,rightctrl,alt,leftmenu,rightmenu,enter,esc,spc,down,up,left,right,home,end,
Alternatively, you can also specify the virtual key code instead of key name, as decimal number or hexadecimal number, for example: "Ctrl+65" , "Ctrl+0x41"
Send 'RegEdit.exe' keystrokes to the Explorer 'Run' dialog-box:
GUIPropView.exe /Action FocusKeyText "RegEdit.exe" Process:Explorer.exe Class:#32770 Title:Run Child.ID:1001
Send Ctrl+A (Select All) and Ctrl+C (Copy to the clipboard) to the opened window of Notepad: