OpenSSH 9.9/9.9p1がリリース - 新しいポスト量子暗号標準への対応や、DSAのコンパイル時のデフォルト無効化など

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OpenSSH開発プロジェクトは9月19日(現地時間)、SSHサーバー・クライアントソフトウェア「OpenSSH」の最新版「OpenSSH 9.9/9.9p1」をリリースしました(Release Notes)。OpenSSHは100%完全なSSHプロトコル 2.0の実装で、sftp クライアントとサーバをサポートしています。

最新版のssh、sshdには、FIPS 203モジュール・ラティス鍵カプセル化機構(ML-KEM)と X25519 ECDH を組み合わせた新しいハイブリッドポスト量子鍵交換のサポートが追加されています。



* ssh(1), sshd(8): add support for a new hybrid post-quantum key
exchange based on the FIPS 203 Module-Lattice Key Enapsulation
mechanism (ML-KEM) combined with X25519 ECDH as described by
This algorithm "mlkem768x25519-sha256" is available by default.

* ssh(1): the ssh_config "Include" directive can now expand
environment as well as the same set of %-tokens "Match Exec"

* sshd(8): add a sshd_config "RefuseConnection" option that, if set
will terminate the connection at the first authentication request.

* sshd(8): add a "refuseconnection" penalty class to sshd_config
PerSourcePenalties that is applied when a connection is dropped by
the new RefuseConnection keyword.

* sshd(8): add a "Match invalid-user" predicate to sshd_config Match
options that matches when the target username is not valid on the

* ssh(1), sshd(8): update the Streamlined NTRUPrime code to a
substantially faster implementation.

* ssh(1), sshd(8): the hybrid Streamlined NTRUPrime/X25519 key
exchange algorithm now has an IANA-assigned name in addition to
the "" vendor extension name. This algorithm is now
also available under this name "sntrup761x25519-sha512"

* ssh(1), sshd(8), ssh-agent(1): prevent private keys from being
included in core dump files for most of their lifespans. This is
in addition to pre-existing controls in ssh-agent(1) and sshd(8)
that prevented coredumps. This feature is supported on OpenBSD,
Linux and FreeBSD.

* All: convert key handling to use the libcrypto EVP_PKEY API, with
the exception of DSA.

* sshd(8): add a random amount of jitter (up to 4 seconds) to the
grace login time to make its expiry unpredictable.



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