Microsoftは10日(現地時間)、Windows 10 Version 1607(製品版)用の累積アップデート「KB3213986」をリリースしました(Windows 10 update history、Softpedia)。同時にWindows 10 Version 1511用の累積アップデート「KB3210721」と、オリジナルWindows 10用累積アップデート「KB3210720」も公開されています。
具体的な修正内容としては、Groove Musicのバックグラウンド再生や、リモートデスクトップを利用したビデオ再生の信頼性の向上、指紋認証後デバイスのスクリーンがオフになる問題の修正、同じマシンに類似のインプットデバイスが接続された場合、一つのデバイスだけが有効になる問題の修正などがリストアップされています。
- Improved the reliability of Groove Music playback in the background, App-V, video playback and Remote Desktop.
- Addressed issue where after successful fingerprint authentication on a device with the screen off, the screen does not turn back on.
- Addressed issue where only one input device works when you connect two similar input devices to the same machine.
- Addressed issue in the App-V Connection Group that allows users to have access to pieces of functionality that they were not designated to for access.
- Addressed issue that prevents users from selecting multiple certificates simultaneously through the UI.
- Addressed issue where the Request Control function does not work with Remote Assistance if the user being assisted is on Windows Server 2008 R2 or Windows Server 2012.
- Addressed issue that prevents a smart card module from pairing with a contactless smart card reader.
- Addressed issue with license conversion of Server Core from evaluation version to a retail version.
- Addressed issue that prevents users from opening Internet shortcut (.URL) files with Internet Explorer when Enhanced Protected Mode is enabled.
- Addressed issue that prevents users from logging on if a device has been away from the corporate network over a period of time.
- Addressed additional issues with Microsoft Edge, clustering, Internet Explorer, Windows Update, input devices, facial recognition, Logon, Hyper-V, PCI bus drivers and Windows Kernel.
更新適用後、Windows 10のビルド番号は14393.693となります。このところユーザーを悩ませてきた累積アップデートのインストールがうまくできない問題は、今のところまだ報告されていないようですが、今後どうなるのかまだ予断を許さない状態です。