Firefox 113がリリース - ピクチャー・イン・ピクチャーが強化

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Mozillaは5月9日(現地時間)、Firefoxブラウザの最新版「Firefox 113」をリリースしました(英語版リリースノート)。最新版はFirefoxのソフトウェア更新機能を利用するか、公式サイトからダウンロード可能なセットアップファイルを利用してインストールすることができます。

Firefox 113では、ピクチャー・イン・ピクチャーが強化され、巻き戻しやビデオの再生時間の確認、フルスクリーンモードへの切り替えが簡単にできるようになっています。

その他、検索バーの改良や、アクセシビリティエンジンの再設計、より安全なパスワード生成機能の導入、プライバシーの改善、AVIF Image Sequence(AVIS)アニメーションサポートなどの変更も行われています。


  • Say hello to enhanced Picture-in-Picture! Rewind, check video duration, and effortlessly switch to full-screen mode on the web's most popular video websites.

  • Firefox's address bar is already a great place to search for what you're looking for. Now you'll always be able to see your web search terms and refine them while viewing your search's results - no additional scrolling needed! Also, a new result menu has been added making it easier to remove history results and dismiss sponsored Firefox Suggest entries.

  • Private windows now protect users even better by blocking third-party cookies and storage of content trackers.

  • Passwords automatically generated by Firefox now include special characters, giving users more secure passwords by default.

  • Firefox 113 introduces a redesigned accessibility engine which significantly improves the speed, responsiveness, and stability of Firefox when used with:

    • Screen readers, as well as certain other accessibility software;

    • East Asian input methods;

    • Enterprise single sign-on software; and

    • Other applications which use accessibility frameworks to access information.

  • Importing bookmarks from Safari or a Chrome-based browser? The favicons for those bookmarks will now also be imported by default to make them easier to identify.

  • Firefox 113 now supports AV1 Image Format files containing animations (AVIS), improving support for AVIF images across the web.

  • The Windows GPU sandbox first shipped in the Firefox 110 release has been tightened to enhance the security benefits it provides.

  • A 13-year-old feature request was fulfilled and Firefox now supports files being drag-and-dropped directly from Microsoft Outlook. A special thanks to volunteer contributor Marco Spiess for helping to get this across the finish line!

  • Users on macOS can now access the Services sub-menu directly from Firefox context menus.

  • On Windows, the elastic overscroll effect has been enabled by default. When two-finger scrolling on the touchpad or scrolling on the touchscreen, you will now see a bouncing animation when scrolling past the edge of a scroll container.

  • Firefox is now available in the Tajik (tg) language.


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説明 MozillaプロジェクトによるWebブラウザ。
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